New brand for Taiwan tourism office

New brand for Taiwan tourism office
New brand for Taiwan tourism office

The Taiwan Tourism Organization has officially launched Version 3.0 of its tourism brand, now called “TAIWAN – Waves of Wonder”

Featuring captivating wave-inspired designs that symbolize the seasonal highlights of Taiwan travel, the new identity is enriched with innovative elements, including an animated short film and a promotional song dedicated to Taiwan tourism.

This initiative aims to strengthen Taiwan’s position in the international tourism market and attract more visitors.

The launch ceremony was graced by the presence of senior government officials, including Deputy Secretary-General of the Executive Yuan, Mr. Lee Guo-Shin, Deputy Minister of Transport, Mr. Lin Kuo-Shian, and Director-General of the ‘Tourist Office, Mr. Chou Yung-hui. Mr. Lee highlighted the priority given by the government to the tourism sectorsupporting its revitalization through various initiatives and strengthening collaboration between the public and private sectors to strengthen Taiwan’s tourism brand.

Mr. Lin highlighted the recovery of tourism after the pandemic and the upcoming expansion of airport operations, symbols of Taiwan’s rising tourism image, promising a richer range of travel experiences. Mr. Zhou stressed the need for Taiwan to stay at the forefront of global trends and meet the constant demand for innovation.

Since its reorganization, the Tourist Office has been committed to directing the industry towards sustainability and digitalization, offering enhanced travel experiences and cutting-edge services. A new identification system has thus been introduced, combining a modern and refined aesthetic with global trends to increase Taiwan’s visibility and international appeal, propelling the island towards its strategic vision “Tourism 2030”.

Since 2011, the Taiwan Tourism Organization has been promoted internationally under the brand “Taiwan – the Heart of Asia”, successfully creating the image of Taiwan as the heart of Asia. After 13 years and overcoming the health crisis, the Taiwan Tourism Office is launching its new brand “TAIWAN – Waves of Wonder” in 2024.

The logo, designed by award-winning agency Bito in collaboration with Dentsu, incorporates elements such as the mountains, oceans and winding roads of Taiwan, with colors reminiscent of the orange of the sunrise, symbolizing the future development of Taiwanese tourism. This new branding closely aligns with the Tourism Office’s marketing thread: “Enjoy the mountains, embrace the sea and explore the island”, highlighting the dynamic contours of Taiwan’s mountains and the charm of its oceans. .



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