DIRECT. War in Ukraine: according to kyiv, Russia has lost more than 500,000 men since February 2022

DIRECT. War in Ukraine: according to kyiv, Russia has lost more than 500,000 men since February 2022
DIRECT. War in Ukraine: according to kyiv, Russia has lost more than 500,000 men since February 2022
3:01 p.m.

NATO boss favors Ukrainian strikes on Russian soil with Alliance weapons

In an interview with the weekly The Economist , Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO, is in favor of Ukraine being able to carry out strikes on Russian soil with Alliance weapons. Which, for the moment, the United States refuses. “The time has come for the allies to consider whether they should lift the restrictions imposed on weapons supplied to Ukraine,” he said as kyiv demanded this green light to target military installations in Russia.

And added: “Removing Ukraine from the possibility of using these weapons against legitimate military targets on Russian territory makes it very difficult for it to defend itself.”

NATO’s boss wants to free Ukraine to strike hard inside Russia. In an interview with The Economist, Jens Stoltenberg says the rules on using Western weapons should be eased ud83dudc47

— The Economist (@TheEconomist)

2:55 p.m.

Russia claims capture of new village in eastern Ukraine

The Russian army claimed Saturday the capture of a new village in eastern Ukraine, located near the town of Oretchetyne where it has made rapid progress in recent weeks.

2:44 p.m.

Ukraine says Russian losses total more than 500,000 troops since conflict began

This Saturday, May 25, the Ukrainian general staff indicates that since the start of the war, the Russian army has lost 500,080 men in combat. An unverifiable figure which includes, according to kyiv, the number of killed but also injured.

500,000 — russian personnel losses since February 24, 2022.

russia’s imperial ambitions cost a lot. Instead of “Kyiv in 3 days”, they lost half a million people.

— Defense of Ukraine (@DefenceU)

11:05 a.m.

A “drone wall” project validated by Russia’s neighbors

Read also :
War in Ukraine: “A wall of drones”… What is this system that NATO countries neighboring Russia want to put in place?


Volodymyr Zelensky thanks the United States for sending $275 million in arms

This Friday evening, via his the offensive led by Russia in the Kharkiv region.

I am grateful to @POTUS Joe Biden, US Congress and its both parties, as well as the American people for the new military aid package announced today.

It includes much-needed long-range missiles, precision artillery munitions, anti-tank capabilities, and other weapons.


— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa)


Did Ukrainian neo-Nazi soldiers come to train in France?

Read also :
War in Ukraine: swastikas, SS tattoos… neo-Nazi Ukrainian soldiers trained in France?


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