follow the national tribute to Caen by Gabriel Attal

A national tribute. Twelve days after the attack on a van in Eure killing two prison officers at the Incarville tollbooth (Eure), a national tribute was paid to them this Wednesday, May 22, 2024 in Caen (Calvados). They were shot dead in the exercise of their duty while transporting a detainee: Mohamed Amra. Fabrice Moello and Arnaud Garcia received the Legion of Honor on May 17.

Gabriel Attal replaces Emmanuel Macron. The President of the Republic was to go to Caen this Wednesday noon. But the riots in New Caledonia forced Emmanuel Macron to cancel his visit. He visited the victims’ families on Tuesday. Prime Minister Gabriel Attal replaces him. Minister of Justice Éric Dupond-Moretti will also be there.

The inmate still on the run. This Wednesday, Mohamed Amra was still on the run with the other attackers. He was imprisoned for drug trafficking. “Investigators have serious leads”indicated Tuesday on BFMTV, Laure Beccuau, Paris prosecutor. Last week, Interpol issued a red notice to the entire world.

10:38 a.m.

Testimony of Françoise Rivière, 65 years old, retired. She worked as a supervisor with the rank of major at the former Caen remand prison.

I am present at the tribute because I knew almost all the victims and in particular Fabrice Moello (one of the two agents killed). When I learned of the attack, I was devastated. All professions involve risks, but this one is really very violent. For me, it’s an execution.

— Françoise Rivière, 65 years old, guard at the former Caen remand center

10:35 a.m.

Inside the prison awaiting the arrival of the ministers.

Gabriel Attal and Éric Dupond-Moretti are expected at 11 a.m.

Prison officers, families of the deceased, officials and journalists are gathered in the former Caen remand center. | WEST FRANCE
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Prison officers, families of the deceased, officials and journalists are gathered in the former Caen remand center. | WEST FRANCE

10:30 a.m.

The former Caen prison, setting for the national tribute

The entrance to the former Caen remand center through which the families of the deceased and officials will enter.

The victims’ families and prison officers are stationed in front of the former Caen remand center while waiting for Gabriel Attal and Eric Dupond-Moretti. | WEST FRANCE
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The victims’ families and prison officers are stationed in front of the former Caen remand center while waiting for Gabriel Attal and Eric Dupond-Moretti. | WEST FRANCE

10:28 a.m.

The coffins arrived by funeral convoy, one at 9:40 a.m. the other around 9:50 a.m.

This is why there was a guard of honor of prison officers on each side of the street which leads to the former Caen remand center.

Many members of the prison administration are present. Photographer: Martin ROCHE | MARTIN ROCHE / WEST-FRANCE
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Many members of the prison administration are present. Photographer: Martin ROCHE | MARTIN ROCHE / WEST-FRANCE

10:22 a.m.

Police system already in place

In front of the former Caen remand center, where the tribute is to take place this Wednesday, May 22, a large police force is in place at the entrance to rue du General-Duparge before the arrival of the ministerial convoy.

Police device in place in front of the former Caen remand center. | WEST FRANCE
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Police device in place in front of the former Caen remand center. | WEST FRANCE

10:20 a.m.

Gabriel Attal and Eric Dupond-Moretti expected

10:17 a.m.

These two agents were killed during a van attack at the Incarville tollbooth in Eure while they were transporting detainee Mohamed Amra. An attack that occurred on Tuesday May 14, 2024.

10:15 a.m.

Hello, welcome to this live broadcast dedicated to the national tribute paid in Caen this Wednesday noon to prison officers Fabrice Moello and Arnaud Garcia.

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