Secret story – “Enemies in love”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “She is madly in love”, “Let them become a couple”: Internet users detect a budding love in the House of Secrets

Secret story – “Enemies in love”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “She is madly in love”, “Let them become a couple”: Internet users detect a budding love in the House of Secrets
Secret story – “Enemies in love”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “She is madly in love”, “Let them become a couple”: Internet users detect a budding love in the House of Secrets

This Tuesday, May 21, 2024 in the daily Secret Story on TF1, the atmosphere was mainly about strategy. Since yesterday, alliances between candidates have been undermined. And for good reason, Charlène discovered in the confessional that two of her allies in the adventure, Zoé and Cassandra, had not hesitated to nominate her for the latest nominations. Since then, the two young women have played a double game with her: “I am shocked… That they are lying right to my face… I didn’t expect that at all, from either of them. I’m confused,” Charlène reacted after watching the videos. The disappointed candidate then chose to share her discovery with her partner Francesca, but also with Justine in whom she trusts.

But far from wanting to immediately confront the two traitors of their clan, the three young women chose to play it smarter: they decided to act as if nothing had happened, changing nothing in their attitude with Zoé and Cassandra. In order to see how far she could go in betrayal, Francesca tried to question Zoé about her loyalty in the game. But she fell deeper into her lie… An attitude that deeply saddened Francesca: “It disappoints me so much, everything we have built up until now has been wrong,” she said.

Video. Secret Story: why TF1 had to urgently change the casting

Lou, a candidate from the opposing clan who observes the house from her secret room, was stunned: “They are the worst villains in their clan […] to always be in vice is not to be a player…”, then affirmed the Marseillaise about Zoé and Cassandra. In the house, Francesca then chose to get involved in the manipulation in her turn: the Italian made her clan believe that she would vote like them against Kelyan and Perrine Secretly, she naturally planned to put Zoé and Cassandra in the SAS this Friday But things could well turn out differently… She doesn’t know it, but Lou. has the power to eliminate a candidate this week And after watching videos of Cassandra, Léo’s fake sister chose to make the young woman pay for her dishonesty. She will therefore normally be eliminated!

In addition, Justine, who had held her tongue for several hours, lowered her guard in front of Maxence, a candidate from the opposing clan. Growing closer and closer to him, the candidate explained everything about the betrayal that shook her clan. “This is really a sign of confidence, we are at the height of confidence,” she warned him in the preamble, indirectly urging him to keep this secret to himself. “I just want to send them (Zoé and Cassandra) farting far away. It’s only a matter of time…”, she told him. On X, this decision to entrust everything to Maxence raised questions. Why give so much information to one of the pillars of the opposing clan? But for many Internet users, the reason is simple: in recent days, they have noticed a change in the relationship between the blonde surfer and the pretty brunette. They are sure of it: Justine is simply falling in love with him…

Between new alliances and emerging feelings, the clans of the House of Secrets therefore risk being completely shaken up.



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