what impact on your love life?

what impact on your love life?
what impact on your love life?

Get ready, the stars are about to take you away voyage ! If you’ve been waiting for a little splash of madness or novelty in your love life, this is the perfect time.

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Venus in Sagittarius: globe-trotting love

On October 17, 2024, Venus, planet of loveof the beauty and of harmonyenters the sign fiery et adventurous of Sagittarius. This fire sign, ruled by Jupiter, is synonymous with freedom, d’expansionand a certain thirst adventure. He doesn’t like feeling locked into obligations or overly rigid conventions! So when Venus puts on her Sagittarius backpack, the romantic relationship becomes a field of exploration, of conquests and of passions.

How can this transit affect each sign?

Because we are all different (and that’s a good thing), the impact of this entry of Venus into Sagittarius will not be the same for everyone.

THE Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

If you’re a fire sign, prepare to be in your element! This transit will boost your trust in love. You will be more adventurous than ever, ready to take risks and explore new relational horizons. If you are Singleit’s the perfect time to open your heart to someone totally different. And if you’re already in a relationship, expect a wave of enthusiasm and renewed passion.

THE Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Dear earth signs, you who like stability and concreteness, you might feel a little destabilized by this volatile energy! It’s not that you don’t like adventure, but let’s say you prefer to know where you’re going. It’s time to let yourself go a little more… And with this transit, you won’t have much choice. There spontaneity can sometimes reveal beautiful surprises and could well open you up to extraordinary romantic experiences.

THE Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Air signs, you will love this period. You share with Sagittarius this desire to lightness and expansion, and with Venus in this sign, you will want deep discussions, connexions intellectual and adventure! If you are single, you might just meet someone with whom you will share exchanges fascinating (sometimes even from a distance, because love on the other side of the world fits perfectly with this transit!).

THE Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

For you water signs, this transit may be a little more confusing. Venus in Sagittarius is not very sentimental, while you mostly like to delve deep into emotions. Don’t panic! This transit can help you take a step back and restore lightness to your love life. If you are in coupleit’s an opportunity to rediscover the pleasure to have fun together, to make activities spontaneous. And if you are Singleyou might meet someone who will take you out of your comfort zone.

Freedom, adventure and open-mindedness

Venus’ entry into Sagittarius marks a time of exploration and freedom in our love lives. With this energy, expect moments excitinga little crazy, but always full of surprises. Whether you are the type to stay in your cocoon or going on an adventure, this period will invite you to take a little more risks and see love in a new light.

Also read:

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