The Nouveau Marché de Montréal rewards three projects

The Nouveau Marché de Montréal rewards three projects
The Nouveau Marché de Montréal rewards three projects

17/10/2024 – Canada and Cambodia distinguished themselves at the fourth edition of the industry section of the Festival du Nouveau Cinéma

Loïc Darses and Miryam Charles with their prize for Write standing (© Maryse Boyce)

The Festival du nouveau cinéma de Montréal (FNC) revealed the winning projects during the fourth edition of the Nouveau Marché, which was held on October 14.

The FNC Prize of $25,000 was awarded to Write standinga hard-hitting prison drama co-written by Loïc Darses et Miryam Charles. This Canadian film, supported by La Coop Vidéo de Montréal, tells the story of a young Quebec political prisoner in 1966, incarcerated in the New York Tombs prison. After a 29-day hunger strike, he secretly began to write a text that would make history.

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The ArteKino International Prize of €6,000, awarded for the second consecutive year by the ArteKino Foundation, rewarded To Leave, To Staya film by Danech San (Cambodia//Singapore), co-produced by Anti-Archives and Apsara Films. The story follows Mera, a young woman who, to avoid an arranged marriage, decides to travel to a remote island with a friend to meet a soldier she met online. A few weeks after her departure, Mera disappears, leaving her friend Bopha on a distressing quest to find her.

The $10,000 First Works Pitch Prize, sponsored by Netflix, was awarded to Meatdirected by Ryan Steel and produced by Seán Maheux Galway. This Canadian project offers an unusual plot: after a plane crash, six survivors stranded on a desert island find themselves facing a moral dilemma. When they discover the body of an alien, they decide to consume it, discovering that its meat is not only delicious, but could also revolutionize the food industry. However, this decision leads them into adventures with cosmic consequences.

Special mention was also given to Rocket Fueldirected by Jessie Posthumus and produced by Pettinicchio.

The Nouveau Marché brought together 14 feature film projects in development, presented in front of an audience of local and international professionals.

With a rich and varied selection, the Nouveau Marché continues to confirm its role as a springboard for emerging talents in world cinema.

The costs :

FNC Price
Write standing – Loïc Darses (Canada)
Production: La Coop Vidéo de Montréal

Prix ArteKino International
To Leave To Stay – Danech San (Cambodia/France/Singapore)
Production : Anti-Archive, Apsara Films

Prize for First Works Pitches
Meat – Ryan Steel (Canada)
Production : Seán Maheux Galway
Special mention
Rocket Fuel – Jessie Posthumus
Production : Nancy Pettinicchio

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(Translated from English)



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