Coalition Defaux – Dermagne in : Corine Mullens rejected in opposition


published on: 14/10/2024 00:21:00 – updated: 14/10/2024 01:07:17

The three biggest lists had all talked about it on our set: it was going to be negotiated during the night and the next few days in . But at the end of the evening, the news had already broken.

The three biggest lists had all talked about it on our set: it was going to be negotiated during the night and the next few days in Rochefort. But at the end of the evening, the news is already coming: Julien Defaux’s MR-IC and Pierre-Yves Dermagne’s POUR have decided to join forces. 7 seats and 6 respectively, @avenir citizen and its eight seats are rejected in opposition with Ecolo.

The most important list of this coalition being the MR-IC, it is therefore Julien Defaux (940 votes) who will inherit the mayor’s chair, even if Pierre-Yves Dermagne garnered more preference votes (1341). Without forgetting Corine Mullens (1387) and Thierry Lavis (967), on the @come citizen list.

Corine Mullens will therefore not be mayor. We contacted her:

We suspected it, they are going to explain this to the citizens. What a shame!

These were the words when we told him the news. However, she does not wish to react further for the moment.

During our election night, the subject was broached and the responses were more or less evasive from the two male heads of the list.

This evening, in a press release, they are clearer:

The MR-IC and Pour groups are delighted with the democratic exercise which took place in Rochefort, at the end of a campaign where each list was able to propose its vision of society with relative respect, and which concluded with a result shared between the forces present. There is still much to do, and our common wish is to be able to move forward together in the interest of all Rochefort residents.

This is the reason why, after discussing it with our respective teams, we decided to constitute the future municipal majority. We are attentive to the signals emitted by the Rochefortoises and Rochefortois, and learn from them. In particular, by immediately carrying out a broad popular consultation, by village and by district, from 2025 and at regular intervals during the next legislature. Rochefort deserves a strong coalition to continue to shine, a coherent team united by the desire to ensure the future of the city and its villages.

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