Patrick Janssens (Vooruit): “The first person I will call when the results are in? Gene Bervoets” (Antwerp)

Patrick Janssens (Vooruit): “The first person I will call when the results are in? Gene Bervoets” (Antwerp)
Patrick Janssens (Vooruit): “The first person I will call when the results are in? Gene Bervoets” (Antwerp)

Twelve years after his election defeat against Bart De Wever, Patrick Janssens is again on the Vooruit electoral list. It remains to be seen whether the former Antwerp mayor will have to cry on the shoulder of his good friend Gene Bervoets again this year, but Janssens already knew with certainty that the actor will be the first person he calls tonight. “Why? I think the older readers know that.”

After a long time of hesitation, it is finally here. Former Antwerp mayor Patrick Janssens decided at the last minute in August to be on the Antwerp list of Vooruit, a comeback that few saw coming. But what does the politician expect from this election Sunday?

READ ALSO. Former mayor Patrick Janssens returns with a mission: “I am not looking for revenge, but for a break in the trend”

“A nervous day,” it sounds. “I have already started voting and am now going to clear the weeds from my garden and then get ready at 5 p.m. to see what the results are.”

The former mayor hopes for a good result for his party and hopes to be able to weigh heavily on policy in Antwerp in the coming years. “We think that a trend break is needed in Antwerp,” he explains. “We want to ensure that and we need a good result for that.”

READ ALSO. Bart De Wever about Patrick Janssens’ return: “Returning to politics after ten years? Not credible”

What that result will be remains to be seen, but Janssens already knows who he will call when the time comes. “Gene Bervoets,” it sounded with certainty. “I think older readers know why,” he laughs.

And for those who are not entirely clear: actor Gene Bervoets was the comforting shoulder for Patrick Janssens when he lost the municipal elections in Antwerp on October 14, 2012 and had to hand over the mayor’s sash to Bart De Wever (N-VA). The photo of a crying Patrick Janssens made all the front pages.




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