Level groups: in Lisieux, a white day announced at Gambier college

Level groups: in Lisieux, a white day announced at Gambier college
Level groups: in Lisieux, a white day announced at Gambier college


Julien Lagarde

Published on

May 14, 2024 at 6:30 a.m.

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Supported by the government and desired by Gabriel Attal, then Minister of National Education, the so-called “shock of knowledge” reform does not seem to have unanimous support among teachers. After Michelet college on April 12, a white day is announced for Friday May 17, 2024 at Gambier college, in Lisieux (Calvados).

Opposed to the establishment of level groups in French and mathematics for 6th and 5th grades at the start of the 2024 school year, teachers of these two subjects invite parents not to send their child(ren) to college today. -there.

“A two-tier college”

In a letter addressed to parents of students before the holidays, they assured that this measure would go against the desired objective, namely to raise the general level of students.

“It is proven that these groups, when they break up the class group, do not reduce the academic difficulties of the most vulnerable and do not improve the performance of the best. With this reform, we are building a multi-speed college, we are reducing social diversity, we are nurturing an every-man-for-himself society.”

A mobilization as strong as at Michelet?

Still according to the mobilized teachers, the organization of these groups must be done “without the necessary means, at the risk of a profound disorganization of our college, at the risk of a profound deterioration of the working and learning conditions of the students” .

They plead, on the other hand, for reduced numbers. “According to the forecast numbers and with the resources available to Gambier College, we could form heterogeneous groups of 19 students per group in sixth grade and 18 students per group in fifth grade. We proposed this solution to the management of Gambier College. But it has not been retained to date.”

A call to parents

Like their colleagues at Michelet College, Gambier teachers opposed to the reform will demonstrate in front of their establishment on Friday. They hope parents will join them. “Parents of future college students are also welcome,” they specify.

During the white day at Michelet college, the teachers’ call was particularly followed. 557 students, out of 570, were absent.

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