Law 10-23 at the heart of a study day in Tiflet

Law 10-23 at the heart of a study day in Tiflet
Law 10-23 at the heart of a study day in Tiflet

The National Executive Training Center in Tiflet hosted a crucial study day this Thursday, October 10, 2024, focused on the innovations introduced by Law No. 10-23 relating to the organization and operation of penitentiary establishments.

This event brought together prison administration officials and directors of establishments from several regions of the Kingdom, thus illustrating the ministry’s commitment to promoting dynamic and thoughtful management of Moroccan prison infrastructures.

Furthermore, this study day is part of a broader initiative to support and implement the new law, adopted in a context marked by a concerted legislative dynamic in favor of strengthening the rule of law. The main objective was to familiarize key stakeholders with the new legislative provisions likely to transform the country’s prison landscape.

Particular attention was devoted to the issue of rehabilitation of prisoners with a view to their reintegration, as well as the importance of their medical care, especially for the most vulnerable populations. The objective is to harmonize the mechanisms for applying these new provisions in order to create a coherent environment that respects the rights of incarcerated individuals.

During this meeting, the speakers underlined the need to maintain a constructive dialogue between the different players in the sector. Cooperation between prison officials and employees is essential to ensure the effective implementation of Law No. 10-23.

Participants also discussed the importance of aligning these efforts with high royal directives, which aim to guarantee the dignity of prisoners, ensure security and discipline within penitentiary institutions, and improve the living conditions of prisoners. while modernizing prison management practices.

This study day undoubtedly constitutes a step forward towards significant reform of the prison system in Morocco, with an emphasis on respect for human rights and the continued improvement of detention conditions. The commitment of sector leaders is evident, and the fruitful exchanges that took place bring hope for a future where justice and rehabilitation coexist in secure and dignified environments.



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