“We will have to find solutions quickly!” – The #MagSport

The manager of the USBPA, Richard Savey, returned to the microphone of our correspondent in Rhône Alpes on the defeat of the Bressans during the derby against Bourgoin, which after 6 days of Nationale positions the Burgiens in a place of 13th and play-offs.

Credit photo ACP – Le #MagSport

What is the prevailing feeling after this defeat in the derby?

Frustration is the word that comes up a lot at the moment. I think we’re making a good 1era half-time, we also missed points in the match and I think that hurts us in the final score because, once again, the score is heavy. We have a 2e half-time where we had a little more difficulty, we couldn’t occupy ourselves as we said, we had 2 chances and a penalty from 5 meters, we lost the ball. These are little things that once again give Bourgoin easy ammunition. It’s annoying, we can’t blame the players for having lacked commitment this evening, I think they responded with energy but I think strategically, on the 2e half-time, we were a little more feverish. We had trouble getting our hands on the ball and getting back into the game under pressure so it ended at 32-19 and that sucked.


Paradoxically, there are things that you said this week were strong points like camp outings but which cost you in 1era half-time because every time you score, you lose the ammunition behind?

Yes, but we manage to get by despite everything. We didn’t take a point, I think we were blocked twice, we managed to get out but we didn’t leave a lot, a lot of energy for things that we should master more easily. I think we put a lot of energy into sequences to make up for shots and after a while, we also lacked lucidity in the last 20 minutes.


You make fewer mistakes in 2e half-time than in 1era when, ultimately, that’s where you break down. This may seem paradoxical?

We take this first try after half-time, I think that doesn’t put us in the game but then, the try on the first half of the scrum is well played on their part but it’s too easy, it’s is something that should be avoided. There’s a missed tackle, a bad defensive read, that’s 7 extra points and that’s too many, that’s too many easy points given away.

Are you also leaving a lot of points at the foot in this part?

Yes, we are leaving a lot of points at the foot this evening. We will say that it was the first match as scorers for the two players who scored this evening so I am not throwing stones at them, I no longer know if we leave 15 or 18 but yes, it is a lot. We can estimate that if we had scored the points, it could have led to a different outcome but I think we had the ability to stay in the match despite these losses of points. It’s not the scorers’ fault if we lose tonight.


Do you feel like you ultimately can’t move forward? There was improvement on certain things, you defended better on carried balls, they advanced less except that at one point, you still cracked

Yes, there are improvements but in the end, there are always small errors. It’s small mistakes that cost us dearly and we waste too much energy on moments when we have to master these sequences. We’re leaving a lot, too much energy there so we’ll have to continue to better control our outings and better control sequences where we also have to score, we’re in a scoring position but we don’t score when we is in the 22 and there are a few sequences where we are there. We will get back to work on Sunday and prepare for next Friday at home to continue moving forward despite everything. I think that the players also have the feeling of having missed something this evening so we cannot always leave with regrets, it is not possible but we will have to quickly find solutions to validate our matches, quite simply.


Comments collected by Fred Charvet

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