The 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry is awarded to David Baker (U. Washington),…

The 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry is awarded to David Baker (U. Washington),…
The 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry is awarded to David Baker (U. Washington),…

Death of Emilio Gabaglio, former general secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation

The European Trade Union Confederation announced, Monday October 7, 2024, the death, at the age of 87, of its former general secretary, Emilio Gabaglio. As director of the international service of the Italian confederation CISLhe contributed to the creation of the confederation in 1973. Emilio Gabaglio was elected secretary general in 1991, during the 7th congress held in Luxembourg, and will remain in this position until 2003. “Under his leadership , the ETUC has built a vision of a social Europe to ensure that ‘the European Union is not simply an economic construction'”, underlines the CES. “Cet engagement […] gave rise to historic laws in favor of workers, such as the Working Time Directive […] He signed the agreement which included social dialogue in the European treaties,” recalls the confederation.

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