How much does a belly lift cost?

How much does a belly lift cost?
How much does a belly lift cost?

To better understand the cost of abdominoplastyall elements of this surgical procedure must be considered, including geographic location, surgeon experience, complexity of the procedure and hospital costs.

Here is a detailed review of various aspects which can affect the price of a tummy lift.

Elements influencing the overall cost

  • Complexity of the intervention: The cost of a tummy lift largely depends on the complexity of the surgical procedure. If the procedure is more extensive, such as involving significant muscle tightening or a significant amount of excess skin and fat to be removed, the cost may be higher.
  • Operating time: The time required to perform a tummy lift can influence the price of the procedure. Longer surgeries may require more resources and medical staff, which is reflected in the overall cost.
  • Quantity of liposuction: If a liposuction is associated with abdominoplasty, this may also affect the price. The quantity of fat to be vacuumed and the areas to be treated can influence the cost of the procedure.
  • Condition of the muscle wall: If significant corrections of the abdominal muscles are necessary to restore firmness to the abdominal wall, this may result in additional costs.
  • Surgeon and establishment fees: The plastic surgeon’s fees and the fees of the facility where the procedure is performed also contribute to the total cost of the tummy lift.
  • Covered by health insurance: In some cases, part of the costs related to abdominoplasty may be covered by health insurance, particularly if the surgery is performed for medical reasons.
  • Post-operative costs: Finally, it is important to consider post-operative costs such as medications, follow-up consultations, and compression garments needed during the recovery period.

Average price range

THE average price of a belly lift in France generally varies between €6,000 and €13,000. However, you should consult a qualified plastic surgeon to get an accurate estimate of the tummy tuck cost based on your specific needs.

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