A simultaneous family day in three cities in the Gatineau Valley

Home > News > A simultaneous family day in three cities in the Gatineau Valley

Local news
By Aline Essombe
May 10, 2024 / 1:15 p.m.

The youth committee of the Gatineau Valley Social Development Table has launched a Family Day which will take place for the first time in three cities in the region, and simultaneously.

On May 16, Family Day will take place at the Kazabazua Community Center, at the Gracefield Recreation Park and on the Three Bell Towers site in Maniwaki, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The coordinator at the Vallée-de-la-Gatineau Social Development Table Amélie Roy explained that previously, each organization worked on its own, which resulted in events being organized randomly, or not at all. She added that it is a question of encouraging organizations to work as a team:


Around twenty organizations were involved in Family Day, and provided food, inflatable games and kiosks during the event:


The coordinator invites the population to come in large numbers “no matter which municipality they are in” between Kazabazua, Gracefield and Maniwaki:


In the long term, Amélie Roy hopes that Family Day can be maintained according to its new model of collaborative work, and on an annual basis.



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