Monday June 3, 2024: World Bicycle Day

Monday June 3, 2024: World Bicycle Day
Monday June 3, 2024: World Bicycle Day

The bike. (Ph:Dr)

There are so many World Cycling Days that we are very happy to relay the creation in 2018 of World Cycling Day.

It’s not a joke, this day was decreed by The UN on April 23, 2018. The date of June 3 was chosen to celebrate this event with dignity.

Through this act, the organization recognizes the contribution of the bicycle to the 17 objectives set by the UN in terms of sustainable development, “development that promotes prosperity and economic opportunity, greater social well-being and environmental protection“.

Move around, there are people to see…

In a few words, the UN declaration constitutes an excellent plea for the use of bicycles:

a simple, accessible, reliable, clean, sustainable and environmentally friendly means of transport that promotes good environmental management and maintains health“. The organization also welcomes cycling as a mode of transport that “encourages creativity and social participation and gives the user immediate awareness of their surroundings“, and a “means of access to education, medicine and sport“.

Get on your little queen*

Enough talk about the merits of cycling, go ahead, get on your bike and hit the roads…

*by the way, do you know where the expression “little queen” so often used to refer to the bicycle comes from? It was thanks to Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands in 1890, who had gotten into the habit of traveling by bicycle in her kingdom…

During her visit to France in 1898, the French press hailed the “Little Queen on a Bicycle”.


A site to visit:



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