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Remote workers less likely to be promoted, survey finds

Remote workers less likely to be promoted, survey finds
Remote workers less likely to be promoted, survey finds

This physical presence in the office which increases the chances of promotion is more often cited in large companies than in small ones. The phenomenon is also more widespread in Brussels than in Flanders. However, the survey did not differentiate between a company where only one day of weekly teleworking is granted and situations where the number of days of remote working is higher.

4 out of 10 employees in the office for a promotion

When asked, four out of 10 employees say they would go to the office more frequently if it increased their chance of getting a promotion. However, a fifth (22%) say they would not do so, preferring teleworking to a promotion. For 15% of respondents, this would even constitute a reason to look for a new job.

Half of the employers surveyed (52%) also grant increases based on employees’ individual performance objectives or to keep them employed. This particularly concerns large companies and the public sector, notes Robert Half. Only one in five companies say they adjust their salaries to be able to compete with other companies.

On the employee side, the reasons for a salary increase are perceived differently, the recruitment specialist further explains. Only 18% expect a pay increase based on their performance, while 22% expect one because they have acquired new skills or qualifications useful to their role. A quarter of employees (24%) expect to get a raise every year.



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