. He had threatened his ex, and pointed a gun at her brother

. He had threatened his ex, and pointed a gun at her brother
Carcassonne. He had threatened his ex, and pointed a gun at her brother

the essential
Yesterday, a 40-year-old man from was tried in court to answer for “violence without incapacity with the threat of a weapon, as a repeat offense”, as well as “repeated death threats” and “malicious telephone calls” to towards his ex-partner. These facts took place from August 12 to 22 in and Marseillan (Hérault).

Chronicle of a badly experienced separation. It was on August 12, when she was separated from her partner, with whom she lived for six years and had a little girl, that Laura (not her real name) went to the gendarmerie to report the inappropriate behavior of his ex. She thus indicates that he has reconnected with her a few days ago, and that he cannot bear that she has been able to start her life again. Two days later, she returned to withdraw her complaint before being heard again on August 19. Her ex calls her day and night and sends her death threats: “You’re going to die, and the little one is going to end up alone! I’m going to kill your family, put a bullet in your head!”

And then there is this Thursday, August 22, around 7:35 p.m., where the ex who lives in Marseillan (Hérault) arrives in Villepinte at the home of Laura’s brother. Drunk and angry, he asks to see Laura whom he thought he would find there. To achieve his ends, he points a gun at the head of his ex-brother-in-law, who cannot reach his sister on the phone. The ex then calls Laura’s mother, with whom the exchanges are not very courteous: “I will kill you one by one…” The ex will finally be arrested by the police, but the weapon will never be found.

Yesterday afternoon, it was in this context that Johny arrived before the court, to answer for these facts which took place from August 12 to 22 in Villepinte and Marseillan. Regarding death threats: “I recognize them, but it’s the way we talk to each other! I didn’t want my ex to get together with someone weird for my daughter. Today, we put things to rest flat.” Johny recognizes the violence with the weapon, specifying that “the gun was plastic”. Difficult to verify since it has not been recovered. “I admit that I had been drinking, but in no case did I point the gun at him. He was scared, because I was yelling at his mother on the phone… It’s all my fault, ma’am. J I had a burnout!”

In his criminal record, Johny has nine convictions on his record, including a last one in November 2023 which earned him the status of repeat offender for violence with a weapon. Father of four children, he lives with a new partner who is pregnant. In the interests of Laura, Me Pascal Lorent just asked the court to take note of his client’s filing as a civil party: “She makes no further requests.” For the public prosecutor, the deputy prosecutor Agathe Charriau requested the sentence of eight months in prison, as well as the revocation of a current suspended sentence of eight months. Sixteen months in total, accompanied by a deposit mandate. For the defense, Me Marion Blondeau pleaded for “a mixed sentence, with a farm part that can be converted”. At the end of its deliberations, the court finally decided to sentence Johny to twelve months in prison, eight of which were suspended on probation for a period of two years, with obligations to respect. The revocation of eight months of suspended sentence was also ordered, thus increasing the firm sentence to be carried out to twelve months, which could then be adjusted.



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