Police officers injured by bullets in Paris: what we know about the attack on two officers in a police station

Police officers injured by bullets in Paris: what we know about the attack on two officers in a police station
Police officers injured by bullets in Paris: what we know about the attack on two officers in a police station

Thursday, May 9 in the evening, two police officers were shot and injured in a police station in the 13th arrondissement of Paris.

The shooter is a man whom officials had just arrested.

Here’s what we know about this incident.

Two police officers were seriously injured by gunfire this Thursday, May 9 around 10:30 p.m., in the central police station of the 13th arrondissement of Paris. The attacker would be a man who had just been arrested. He allegedly seized a civil servant’s weapon to use it against them. Here’s what we know about this incident.

What happened

According to the Paris police prefect, Laurent Nuñez, who went to the scene around midnight accompanied by the Paris prosecutor, Laure Beccuau, the attacker is a man who was arrested around 10 p.m. in a “building”, located in the station district, in the 13th arrondissement of the capital. He was arrested following “a very violent attack on a woman” At “cutter”.

After his arrest, he was taken to the police station with a view to being placed in police custody. It was during a search, in circumstances which remain to be clarified, that he managed to steal an official’s weapon to open fire. He then hurts “seriously” two police officers. A return shot injures the aggressor in return.

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What is the state of health of the two police officers?

One of the officials was hit in the abdomen, the other in the legs. The two police officers were immediately taken to hospital. “We are very concerned about the state of health (of the two police officers). We are all very worried”underlined Laurent Nuñez, who also brought his “support for staff at the 13th police station”, “saluting their courage and responsiveness”. One of the officials was facing a life-threatening condition on Thursday evening.

The suspect was also taken to hospital. The Paris prosecutor’s office specified that he had been “injured in the chest”. “His vital prognosis is not engaged”he added.

Three open investigations

The Paris prosecutor’s office said that three investigations had been opened. Two are entrusted to the 3rd DPJ. One concerns the first facts and was opened for “attempted murder of the woman”. The other was opened for “attempted murder of persons holding public authority”.

The 3rd investigation was entrusted to the IGPN (the “fonts”) for “intentional violence with a weapon by a person holding public authority”, as is always the case when a police officer uses his weapon.

Questions that remain unanswered

“The investigations must in particular specify the circumstances of the facts, the identity of the accused, as well as his possible links with the female victim”, detailed the prosecution. The man’s psychiatric state, whether he was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or whether he was already known to the police, are elements still pending.

It will also be necessary to explain how the individual was able to seize the service weapon of a police officer, while civil servants are equipped with“a secure case”underlined to LCI Eric Henry, national secretary of the Alliance police union (to be found in the video at the top of this article). “Now, what was the state of excitement of the individual, his state of nervousness, the judicial investigation will determine what it is”he summarized.




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