VIDEO – Béatrice Dalle cash on motherhood: “I have succeeded in my life because I have no children”

VIDEO – Béatrice Dalle cash on motherhood: “I have succeeded in my life because I have no children”
VIDEO – Béatrice Dalle cash on motherhood: “I have succeeded in my life because I have no children”

This Saturday, October 5, on the set of What an era!Béatrice Dalle came to talk about her role in Disturbing disappearance: when the child appearsthe 2 drama in which she plays the main role. The opportunity for Léa Salamé to question the one who experienced a difficult childhood about motherhood : “When you’re single and you don’t have children, do you think you’ve missed the boat?” Immediately, the actress renowned for her charisma confirmed her strong opinion: “So, really not. I totally disagree with that! You know, I’ve heard so much in my life, ‘the biological clock’, all that bullshit… For me, my life as a woman is important.” With her usual frankness, Béatrice Dalle hit the nail on the head: “I have succeeded in my life because I don’t have children.”

This total absence of maternal instinct, the actress openly accepts, she who describes pregnancy as the fact of having “an alien” inside the body… However, don’t assume that Béatrice Dalle hates children: she is even capable of showering them with gifts… as long as they are not her own! “Kids are not my thing at all”clarified the actress, before adding: “It’s good with the others, from afar…” A point of view diametrically opposed to that of Valérie Trierweiler, also present on the set. Indeed, the ex-partner of François Hollande considers on the contrary that she has succeeded in her life “because she has [s]your children”. A point of view which did not shock Béatrice Dalle: “Ah, but, I respect!”

>> PHOTOS – Béatrice Dalle: from the 80s to today, her hairstyle evolution

Béatrice Dalle: her astonishing confidences about her true nature

It’s no secret: Béatrice Dalle is a free woman. And it doesn’t matter if some people rebel against her outspokenness and her strong opinions: for the actress, compromising with her freedom is out of the question. However, his bravado and rebellious side is only one aspect of his personality. In an interview given to Gala in October last year, Béatrice Dalle spoke openly about her life. The one who describes herself as “Romeo, never Juliet” in love, is well aware that the way she is perceived does not reflect who she really is. “People don’t suspect how kind I am.”notably revealed the actress, who hopes “live as long as possible”while “remaining a kid until the end”

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

Photo credits: Screenshot / France 2



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