10 young people behind the scenes of L’Équipe

10 young people behind the scenes of L’Équipe
10 young people behind the scenes of L’Équipe

“It’s like I’m discovering behind the scenes.” On this April morning, Alessandro, 16, took his first steps at the editorial headquarters of L’Équipe, in Boulogne-Billancourt. A first year student at La Bruyère high school in Versailles, the teenager took part in a competition organized in partnership with the Ile-de-France Region, on the Labaz application (read opposite). Alongside him, nine other young Ile-de-France residents are present. Everyone has been drawn and will be able to spend a morning in our premises. The doors of the TV studio open and they are projected on the other side of the screen. The set, its video walls, its cameras, the management… a whole familiar universe reveals itself behind the scenes.

Featured Olympic sports

But beyond the team’s manufacturing secrets, it is the passion for sport that brings these young Ile-de-France residents together. This is good news, two high-level athletes surprised them with a meeting on our premises.

Foiler Pauline Ranvier looks back on her journey and her preparation for the Games. Curiosity rises in the audience, questions follow one another: “How are the training going? », Alessandro asks. “How is the selection of young fencing talents going in France? », asks Valentine, 25 years old, PE teacher. The champion responds to everyone and reveals, throughout her intervention, the specificities of foil, a discipline where one must reconcile “the speed of the sabreur and the patience of the swordsman”.

Hakim Arezki also details his passion for his sport, blind football – 5-a-side football for people with visual impairments. The Bondy Cécifoot Club midfielder also took the opportunity to look back on his journey. His Algerian childhood, his loss of sight at 18, then his arrival in France. “I had to start from scratch, relearn how to tie my shoes,” he explains. He also talks about his discovery of blind football and how, gradually, the sport offered him a new start. The young people are captivated, the emotion is palpable. “It’s a very moving and inspiring testimony,” notes Ghita, 25, consultant. Sport allowed Hakim to overcome fate.”

“Athletes spoke to us about their lives without filter”

The half-day is finally an opportunity to take a look at the Olympic Games, in which our two athletes will participate. The enthusiasm is palpable among the participants as the event approaches. It is shared by the president of the Ile-de-France Region, Valérie Pécresse, also present for this morning of discussions. “The Games will put France in sneakers,” she rejoices. “. The event will also, in his eyes, have another longer-term asset for the Ile-de-France residents: “It will leave us an incredible legacy. Many sports facilities were built or renovated for the occasion. They will be able to benefit as many people as possible after the Games! »



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