road safety: the paving stones of Thenailles are over! 3 lights were installed instead.

road safety: the paving stones of Thenailles are over! 3 lights were installed instead.
road safety: the paving stones of Thenailles are over! 3 lights were installed instead.

They were legendary. And yet, the cobblestones of Thenailles have disappeared. Too noisy, too dangerous… They have been replaced by reward lights.

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Gone are the large strips of cobblestones at the entrance and exit to the village of Thenailles. Noisy and hazardous bands when you venture into them with your bike. They had been installed here several years ago to slow down cars. It was the time when we put paving stones in all sauces.

The paving stones of Thenailles are no longer

The paving stones of Thenailles have just been removed by the Department of Aisne, because the municipality has decided to install three reward lights. “This was one of the conditions for these paving stones to be taken away from us. They were dangerous, especially when it rained, and it made noise. Even me, depending on the direction of the wind, I could hear the cars passing by, from my house even though I live quite far away.“, testifies the mayor of Thenailles, Christophe Boury.

Less than 50 km/h

The principle is simple, and more and more municipalities are installing them. If you are driving less than 50 km/h, the reward light turns green, and you do not have to stop. If you exceed 50 km/h, the fire is triggered. It must be said that crossing Thenailles, in a straight line on the departmental 372can encourage some motorists to exceed speed limits. A survey was also made last June, and around 75% of motorists were in violation.

Why did you change? Article to be found in the La Thiérache newspaper on Thursday October 4, 2024.

Also read about reward lights.



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