Freezing retirement pensions: Michel Barnier “open” to other solutions

Freezing retirement pensions: Michel Barnier “open” to other solutions
Freezing retirement pensions: Michel Barnier “open” to other solutions

On Friday, Michel Barnier nevertheless said he was “open” to other solutions from the deputies than the postponement of the revaluation of pensions, which the deputies of the National Rally planned to oppose.

“I understand that this measure provokes and creates concerns”

“I understand that this measure, which we put in the budget, a reevaluation which will take place in 2025 anyway, (…) provokes and creates concerns, especially for so many people who have small pensions,” admitted the Prime Minister on the sidelines of the Livestock Summit in Cournon-d’Auvergne, in Puy-de-Dôme. “It is a general effort that is requested, but I said (…) that if, in the parliamentary discussion which is open, which is free – parliamentarians are also responsible for this budgetary discussion – there are new ideas or other ideas to find other ways, I am open,” he added.

“I am open to finding other solutions in the parliamentary discussion,” insisted Michel Barnier, slipping in that the leader of the Les Républicains deputies, Laurent Wauquiez, “told him the same thing” as the RN deputies. . The latter will oppose this postponement, announced their leader, Marine Le Pen, on the X network.

“Postponing the indexation of pensions means robbing our seniors of billions of euros of purchasing power. I will refuse this measure, which is all the more petty as it leaked the day after Mr. Barnier’s speech, silent on this maneuver already used by Mr. Hollande and Mr. Macron,” wrote the far-right MP.

“Every day, revelations confirm that we were right to warn of the ruin of public accounts by the macronie with the complicity of the LR. The recovery of public accounts requires truth, courage and trust, not blind and therefore unfair measures,” added Marine Le Pen.



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