October 7, World Day Against Anti-Semitism. Michel Taube’s editorial

October 7, World Day Against Anti-Semitism. Michel Taube’s editorial
October 7, World Day Against Anti-Semitism. Michel Taube’s editorial


We swear to the victims that October 7 will become a World Day Against Anti-Semitism.

On October 7, 2023, a crime against humanity, the beginning of genocide was committed in Israel: more than a thousand innocent people, most of them Jews, of all nationalities, were massacred, injured, taken hostage. Never before have so many Jews been hunted since the fall of Nazism.

Since October 7, what should have aroused universal disapproval has also provoked an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism throughout the world, well before Israel’s response and entry into war against Hamas and Hezbollah which, from October 8, attacked Israel with the support of the Iranian mullahs.

Once again, in their history, the Jews feel threatened.

The fight against anti-Semitism calls more than ever for ambitious actions of prevention, education but also the strongest condemnation of all anti-Semitic comments and acts.

Should we remember it? Hatred of Jews is universal and constitutes a very specific form of racism in that it affects a people in itself. It is consubstantial with numerous ideologies such as Nazism, radical Islamism, ancestral deicidal prejudices, the plans to destroy the State of Israel, without forgetting the most abject conspiracies.

Should we also remember this? When we attack the Jews, sooner or later we attack all free and good-willed women and men as well as other minorities.

However, although dozens of International Days take place every year, there is no Day Against Anti-Semitism, even though we are faced with one of the oldest forms of racism.

It is high time to repair this injustice and establish on October 7 of each year a Day against Anti-Semitism in all countries, a Day recognized by the European Union, the Council of Europe and the United Nations. .

Each year, thousands of educational events can be held in schools and universities, places of worship, parliaments and elected assemblies, debate circles, the media and social networks.

Because only education will make it possible to eradicate the filthy beast by bringing about enlightened generations.

In memory of the crime against humanity of October 7, 2023, sign the appeal – petition* and see you on October 7, 2025 for the first World Day Against Anti-Semitism.

Michel Taube

*Petition launched on November 11, 2023 on the front page of Opinion Internationale



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