Assistance for more than 400 flood victims in Mambia (Kindia): victims cry out for exclusion

Victims receiving food in Mambia

The National Agency for Humanitarian Emergency and Disaster Management (ANGUCH) and the Kindia authorities are working to help the populations of Mambia. This locality, shaken a few days ago by enormous floods, is benefiting from food to get out of the impasse. But the distribution and the census are not happening as desired by the victims who denounce a selective process, reports through its special correspondent.

Thierno Oury Diallo, president of the special Mambia delegation, interviewed by our reporter, returned to the ANGUCH mission in the locality.

Thierno Oury Diallo, president of the special Mambia delegation

“We have a mission from ANGUCH. In our commune, many villages were heavily impacted by the floods. I asked all presidents and heads of sectors to record the victims and send us the lists, which we will transmit to ANGUCH. Even ANGUCH representatives traveled to the affected areas, including Fossikhouré, Sanaya, Bouramaya, Sansandji, Kimbéli, Soliakhouré, etc. Some villages have even been completely relocated. The authorities are informed. However, some residents are already complaining about not having seen their names on the lists. We raise awareness and ask the population to let ANGUCH do its work. The agency has started distributing the food it has sent, and I assure you that everyone who has been identified will be served. But, it is true that it is not easy with the population,” explained Thierno Oury Diallo.

On the accusations made against the local authorities, the president of the special Mambia delegation specifies: “Some say that the sector heads are complicit, that they did not put their names, but those of other people. We have certified those who have their names without telephone numbers. Others say their names were taken, but not their numbers. I told them that as long as their names are on the list, even without a phone number, they will be taken care of after we are done with those whose numbers have been recorded…”

For her part, Mariama Ciré Barry, resident of Tingueyogo, criticizes her sector manager for not having put her name on the list of victims.

Mariama Ciré Barry, resident in Tingueyogo

“I had hired three young people to work on my tomato field before the flood, which destroyed everything. My field extended over eight pads, and I lost 130 bags of manure that I had used, for a total value of 11 million GNF, of which I only recovered 800,000 GNF. My neighbor, Boubacar, and his wife, had a field of more than eight platelets. I saw a mission come to the aid of the population, but we did not have the chance to be counted by our sector head, because I was traveling for the birth of my daughter at the time of the passage of the missions. When I returned, I observed the distribution of food and learned that only the people affected were concerned. I asked if it was the owners of houses or fields, and they said it was both. I am also a victim of the flood and I ask the authorities to help us feed ourselves and revive our crops,” pleaded Mariama Ciré Barry.

For her part Fatoumata Yansané, resident of Gbinkili Centre, recipient of food, expressed her satisfaction.

Mrs. Fatoumata Yansané, resident in Gbinkili center

“We suffered heavy losses during the last floods. The water took everything away, and our houses collapsed. This is why we called on the authorities, and today our call is heard. We received four small 25 kg bags of rice, oil, clothes and other items. We are grateful, and may God reward our authorities. ANGUCH is a reality; they came to register us and took our names. Those who have not been identified will not receive this aid today,” she declared.

Bienvenu Houndjo, in charge of Emergency Preparedness and Response at ANGUCH and head of mission in Mambia, says that 66 households were assisted.

Welcome Houndjo, emergency preparedness and response officer at ANGUCH

“We are in Mambia, in the Kindia prefecture. The food you see is intended for 464 households, certified by local authorities and validated by the prefecture. We planned our assistance on this basis, with food kits including rice and oil, as well as non-food kits containing chlorine and hygiene products for women. Three workstations were set up to distribute food and verify identities. Some unregistered people are trying to infiltrate to obtain aid, but we have reassured the 464 registered people that they will be served within the three days planned,” said Bienvenu Houndjo.

In response to questions about unregistered people, our interlocutor provides clarification: “this situation is a matter of local management. We, at ANGUCH, have asked that everyone be counted in the event of a disaster. »

As for assistance to field owners, he added: “ANGUCH is a coordinating body which brings together several sectors. In the agricultural sector, it is the Ministry of Agriculture which assesses the damage and plans assistance. There are two phases: the first is the emergency, where we provide food to affected households. The second is recovery, where we will assess the fields and plan the resumption of agricultural activities,” said Bienvenu Houndjo.

Back from Mambia, Amadou Baïlo Batouala Diallo, special correspondent for

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