Armancourt. RFM was live from Mathilde Matoussi this morning for Le Meilleur des Réveils

Carole Ithurbide and Albert Spano hosted Best of Awakenings from the Matoussi family home in Armancourt. Images: Facebook RFM The Best of Awakenings

“What’s it like to see thirty people rush into your living room at 5 a.m.?” asks host Caroline Ithurbide. “As for the regrets, we’ll see at the end of the show,” Albert Spano, the other host of the show, intervenes with humor. The Best of Awakenings. Friday October 4, the radio RFM relocated to Armancourtat the home of Mathilde Matoussifaithful listener.

“I’ve been listening for eight years,” confides Mathilde, 42, once her living room has returned to normal. The radio station relocates its studio approximately two to three times a year. Mathilde, sales assistant, won the draw. “It was confirmed to me two weeks ago,” she continues. I was delighted.”

The Matoussi family wins €1000 in a game

Twelve people from the radio arrived at 5:15 a.m., including the presenters, columnists and technicians. Mathilde, her husband Mohamed (boss of the company Drone Inove Géomètre) and her children Adam, 11 years old, and Aylan, almost 8 years old, were wide awake, despite the schedule. “I was able to invite seven people,” explains Mathilde. She cites her friend Carine, her cousin Vanessa, her neighbor Ingrid and her parents, Marie-Pierre and Jean-Noël.

Three quarters of an hour after their arrival, the live broadcast can begin. “They came the day before to install everything,” says Mathilde. The technicians stayed for a good three hours. It’s not that simple…”

Mathilde was treated to surprises. She learned during the show that she was participating in the game to win €1000. “The listener on the phone answered the first four questions,” says Mathilde. Which assured him a gain of €400.” Who is the longest-reigning king of ? “We had the right to help him,” continues Mathilde. And it was Adam, headphones on, who gave the answer. Louis XIV and his 72 years of reign saved the family €1000. “He is passionate about history, so much the better for us!” enthuses Mathilde.

Adam, in sixth grade, won €1000 for his family and listener Peggy. Images: Facebook RFM The Best of Awakenings

At the very beginning, the show was hosted by Elodie Gossuin

She also won a three-day stay in the south in Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer, during this broadcast live from her home. She recognized songs performed on the guitar by the duo Gaby and Nico.

In the eight years she has been listening, she has often participated in the games on the air. She had won a ski trip with a pass in the Southern Alps or a Megamix food processor. It was the time when, in place of Caroline Ithurbide, there was a certain Elodie Gossuin, former Miss France from Oise who had become a presenter.

Calm has returned to Mathilde. “They are very respectful of the place,” she says of radio professionals. They even left the pastries. It is in fact RFM which offers breakfast for those present, passing by the Delafont bakery.

“Three and a half hours is a long time but it goes by quickly,” says Mathilde, who took her day after this morning like no other. The children started their school day at 9am. They had lots of things to say at recess.

A souvenir photo before parting. Photo: Facebook RFM The Best of Awakenings


PREV Armancourt. RFM was live from Mathilde Matoussi this morning for Le Meilleur des Réveils
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