Day of action against risks: Alert and awareness of populations – Prevention – News

Day of action against risks: Alert and awareness of populations – Prevention – News
Day of action against risks: Alert and awareness of populations – Prevention – News

The Day of Action to Face Risks previously known as “National Resilience Day” (JNR) is a government initiative (organized for the 3e consecutive year in line with the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction of the International Organization of the United Nations). It aims to disseminate the culture of risk (health, climate, industrial, etc.) and resilience to all audiences.

The objective of this action is that each citizen can know the major risks surrounding it,he alert modalities in the event of a serious event and that he becomes familiar with backup behaviors to adopt. Simple actions to inform yourself, act and protect yourself.

Last year, the prefecture carried out an action labeled JNR, raising awareness among the population about the FR-Alert alert system. The results for the 2023 financial year were positive.

Monday October 14 in Seine-et-

In Seine-et-Marne, town halls will inform local populations and industrial companies ahead of the exercise. The date chosen for this Day of Action to Face Risks in Seine-et-Marne is scheduled for Monday October 14, 2024.

How will populations be warned?

The alert system called FR-Alert works via SMS sent to populations in areas affected by “imminent danger”, via their mobile phones. Anyone with a mobile phone – located in a danger zone – will receive information and, where applicable, the behaviors to adopt to protect themselves.

FR-Alert, it’s what ?

FR-Alert is a population alert and information system. Deployed on the national territory since the end of June 2022, FR-Alert makes it possible to warn populations of areas affected by imminent danger. There notification is accompanied by a specific sound signaleven if the cell phone is in silent mode.

What will this action consist of?

By broadcasting alert messages (one hour for each zone) spread out throughout the day. FR-Alert will be triggered by the prefecture. Upstream, local elected officials, relevant industrialists and populations will be informed of this action (social networks, prefecture website, media relays, local news and radio, etc.).

October 14, FR-Alert will be implemented in all areas concerned by a SEVESO site with a specific intervention plan (PPI); 56 municipalities will be affected by the broadcast of an alert message via FR-Alert:

  • PPI BASF: , Fublaines;
  • PPI STORENGY: Germigny-sous-Coulombs, Coulombs-en-Valois, Crouy-sur-Ourcq, Vendrest, Dhuisy;
  • PPI CCMP: Compans and Mitry-Mory;
  • PPI VERMILLON: Saint-Méry;
  • PPI KERAGLASS: -sur-Loing;
  • PPI BOREALIS : Aubepierre-Ozouer-le-Repos, Courpalay, Gastins, Grandpuits-Bailly-Carrois, Mormant, Nangis, Quiers;
  • PPI GAZECHIM: Mitry-Mory, Compans, Gressy, Thieux;
  • PPI BRENNTAG: Tournan-en-Brie;
  • PPI ALFI: Moissy Cramayel, Lieusaint, Savigny-le-Temple;
  • PPI CNPE Nogent-sur-Seine: Augers-en-Brie, Baby, Beauchery-Saint-Martin, Chalautre-la-Grande, Chalautre-la-Petite, Chalmaison, Everly, -Fourches, Gouaix, Grisy-sur-Seine, Hermé, Jaulnes, Lcale, Longueville, Louan-Villegruis-Fontaine, Melz-sur-Seine, Montceaux-les-Provins, Noyen-sur-Seine, Passy-sur-Seine, Poigny, Provins, Rouilly, Rupereux, Saint-Brice, Sainte-Colombe, Soisy-Bouy, Sourdun, Villenauxe-la-Petite, Villiers-Saint-Georges, Villiers-sur-Seine, Villuis, Voulton.

The word “Exercise” will of course be indicated (see the visual below) in the notification:



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