Risk Action Day 2024: All resilient to risks – News

Updated on 04/10/2024

On October 13, 2024, the Day of Action on Risks will take place, in line with the International Day for Disaster Reduction of the United Nations.

What is Risk Action Day?

The Day of action against riskspreviously known as “National Resilience Day” (JNR) is a government initiative which aims to disseminate the culture of risk and resilience to all audiences.
The objective is that every citizen can know the major risks surrounding it and find out about the safeguarding behaviors to adoptand the alert procedures in the event of a serious event.

Take part in an event near you!

In the Alpes-Maritimes, numerous events are organized in the department to make maralpins aware of the main major risks they may face and the correct behavior to adopt.

Waiting for the earthquake

Organized on October 12 and 13 by the Departmental Directorate of Territories and the Sea of ​​the Alpes-Maritimes, in partnership with the CNRS, GéoAzur, CEREMA, SDIS, the University of and the French earthquake engineering association, this The event is an opportunity to learn more about seismic risk through conferences and plays at the Variétés cinema in .

Information and registration at: https://my.weezevent.com/en-attendant-le-seisme

Together in the face of major risks

The city of Nice and the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis on Saturday October 12, a day to prepare in the event of an alert!

Fun and immersive activities as well as stands to learn about prevention and risk management welcome the public to the Music Kiosk of the Jardin Albert 1er in Nice.

Information on: https://www.nicecotedazur.org/actualites/ensemble-face-aux-risks-majeurs/

Photo competition “30 years ago… the was overflowing”!

The Maralpin Joint Union for Floods, Development and Water Management is organizing a photo competition to commemorate the 1994 Var flood.

The objective is to collect period photographs to refine historical knowledge of this event and promote them through a traveling exhibition.

Information and participation on: https://www.smiage.fr/lancement-du-concours-photo-il-y-a-30-ans-le-var-debordait/

Other events in the Alpes-Maritimes

Find all the events organized near you on: https://carte-jnr.fr/

All information on the Day of Action to Face Risks on https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/actualites/actualites-du-ministere/journee-daction-face-aux-risks-2024-tous-resilients-face -to



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