Ivory Coast: Former fascists condemn the murder of student Agui and regret that Kambou Sié’s appeals were not heard

Ivory Coast: Former fascists condemn the murder of student Agui and regret that Kambou Sié’s appeals were not heard
Ivory Coast: Former fascists condemn the murder of student Agui and regret that Kambou Sié’s appeals were not heard
© Koaci.com – Friday October 4, 2024 – 10:31

Ahipeaud Martial et Kambou Sié (DR)

The former Fescists finally react to the assassination of the student Agui Mars Aubin Déagoué, alias “ General Wizard », aged 49, in Master 2, English option.

The National Union of Alumni of the Student and School Federation of Côte d’Ivoire (UNA-FESCI), condemns with the utmost energy this heinous crime in a note consulted this Friday, October 4, 2024, by KOACI.

Its president Ahipeaud Martialcongratulates the National Police for the promptness with which it reacted to this situation.

“Our motto has always been to convince by the force of the argument and not, by the argument of force. UNA-FESCI bows before the remains of comrade Agui Mars Aubin Déagoué, as well as all the victims of violence which resulted in the death of men”, notes the former Secretary General of the FESCI.

While hoping that all light will be shed quickly on the situation, the UNAFESCI would like to recall that the National Secretary General Kambou Siéregularly elected during an inclusive and peaceful ordinary congress, in December 2023, has denounced on numerous occasions and through different channels, the situation of interference and the desire for control by dark external hands of the movement he leads.

“These calls would have made it possible to avoid, if they had been listened to, this irreversible deadly spiral. Also, the UNAFESCI calls for calm and restraint. She asks everyone to avoid any actions that could disrupt the ongoing legal proceedings and prevent the truth from coming to light. By intervening last December to help organize the congress, our objective was clearly known, that of avoiding an escalation of violence,” continues the organization, which reaffirms its availability to contribute, if necessary, to any process of seeking Peace and stability in schools and universities.

“We lost one of our own, a student, a Fesci activist. We have others in custody. Students evicted from the housing estates of Cocody, wander the streets of Abidjan, not knowing where to leave their backpacks. Some have no relatives in Abidjan. Our pain is great. But our wish is to see this situation resolved as quickly as possible by justice so that once order is restored, and justice done, everyone takes their place, learning the lessons of this umpteenth crisis which does not suit anyone,” concludes, the President of the UNA-FESCIAhipeaud Martial Joseph.

Donatien Kautcha, Abidjan



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