Treasure hunt: the mysterious Golden Owl is unearthed after 31 years of searching

Treasure hunt: the mysterious Golden Owl is unearthed after 31 years of searching
Treasure hunt: the mysterious Golden Owl is unearthed after 31 years of searching

Only the discovery of this replica should allow access to ownership of the authentic Golden Owl (of a value of €150,000). This game, which was supposed to last only a year or two, comes to an end 31 years after the date the loot was buried.

This is the world’s longest unsolved treasure hunt. Given the duration of the hunt, some have expressed doubts about the very existence of the statuette.

However, the original owl made of gold and precious stones exists and was exhibited in 2014, when Michel Becker wanted to sell the owl at auction before giving up. Max Valentin died in 2009, on the night of April 23 to 24, exactly 16 years old to the day after the owl was buried.

The object is located at the location Bornes Saint Martinnear Dabo in : “this is where the solutions to the puzzles converge… I was there the last time in May, but I didn’t dig. Today, I’m taken by surprise and I regret a little but it was a brilliant quest” explain Kaspius, 45 years old,seasoned “nice guy”, at info.

The winner is not yet known. But more than his identity, the other “cool guys” are especially waiting for the solving the eleven puzzles.



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