A family day between hospitalists

A family day between hospitalists
A family day between hospitalists

Saint-Paulien. Family day of Notre Dame du Puy-en-Velay hospital workers. Sunday September 29, the Hospitalité Notre-Dame du Puy-en-Velay chose the Ruessian city for its annual gathering. Nearly 200 people responded to the invitation launched by those responsible for Hospitalité Notre-Dame du Puy-en-Velay, for their family reunion day. First of all, a beautiful assembly gathered at the Saint-Georges church for the mass celebrated by Monsignor Yves Baumgarten, bishop of the Diocese of Puy, surrounded by Father Léon Julien, priest of the Saint-Jean XXIII parish , deacons Serge Preux and Denis Charroin, acolyte Pierre Vial.

As a preamble, Louise Souvignet, very involved like her parents in supporting the various actions of the Hospitalité Notre-Dame du Puy-en-Velay chaired by Denis Charroin, presented through a video the role of the association created in 1946, bringing together lay people wishing to serve sick or disabled people. Every year, in the spring, many volunteers participate for 6 days in Lourdes, on the occasion of the diocesan pilgrimage. This year, 160 hospital workers and 93 patients took part, alongside many pilgrims, high school, middle school and primary school students.

Since 2017, under the leadership of four former high school students, a group of young hospital workers has been created, bringing new life with dynamism and enthusiasm. In addition to the Lourdes pilgrimage, links are created throughout the year through other association events (galette des rois, Marian feasts on August 15 and this family day).

The mass was followed by a reception served on Place Saint-Jean-XXIII, offered by the municipality. Participants then met at the Chomeil multipurpose room to share a meal prepared by the Voyageurs hotel-restaurant and served by volunteers.

If people wish to join Hospitality or report people in difficulty, they are welcome. They can contact the secretariat of the parish or those responsible for Hospitality.

Contact. Information at or by email: [email protected].



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