Here’s How This Type of Relationship Can Help You Get Over a Breakup

Here’s How This Type of Relationship Can Help You Get Over a Breakup
Here’s How This Type of Relationship Can Help You Get Over a Breakup

After a breakup, it’s common to feel vulnerable and alone. In this context, many are turning to what is called a “band-aid” or “rebound” relationship. Although controversial, this approach can sometimes provide temporary and necessary relief.

But what is the psychological reality behind these post-breakup relationships? Psychologist Annie Tanasugarn explores the nuances of rebound relationships, their potential benefits, and the risks they pose in an article in Psychology Today.

Momentary relief

Rebound relationships are often seen as superficial connections formed quickly after a painful separation. However, research indicates that, particularly among men, these relationships can provide momentary relief in the absence of social support.

It can also help overcome intense emotional attachment to the ex-partner. These ephemeral relationships can help manage the feeling of abandonment and the emotional lack felt.

Fear of abandonment or narcissism?

Individuals with unresolved attachment insecurities are particularly likely to turn to a rebound relationship. Fear of abandonment, the recurring desire to reunite with the ex, and an unstable personal identity, often dependent on the presence of a partner, can make these relationships attractive, at least temporarily.

Additionally, people with narcissistic traits may also use these relationships as a means of ego stabilization or revenge against their former partner, by choosing partners who arouse the ex’s insecurities.

Risk of emotional dependence

However, it is crucial to recognize that these relationships should not replace a true healing process. Some see Band-Aid relationships as a temporary strategy for recovery.

Others warn against its prolonged use. Indeed, we must not forget that it can prevent personal growth and lead to a cycle of emotional dependence.




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