Opposition Day | The Bloc increases the pressure for seniors

Opposition Day | The Bloc increases the pressure for seniors
Opposition Day | The Bloc increases the pressure for seniors
Maxime Blanchette-Joncas, MP for Rimouski-Neigette–Témiscouata–Les Basques and Andréanne Larouche, MP for Shefford. Photo credit: Courtesy

Firmly determined to obtain fairness for all seniors, the Bloc Québécois is dedicating its opposition day to it today (Tuesday), thus increasing the pressure a notch on the Trudeau government. Tabled by the leader of the Bloc Québécois, Yves-François Blanchet, the motion, which will be voted on on Wednesday, asks the Trudeau government to grant as soon as possible the royal recommendation required so that Bill C-319 can be implemented. adopted.

“There is very little time left for the government between now and October 29 to abolish the injustice of the two classes of seniors that it itself created in 2021 when it granted the indexation of 10 % of the Old Age Security pension only for seniors aged 75 and over. We will not budge: this is unacceptable. The pension increase must apply to all eligible seniors, without discrimination. If the Trudeau government refuses to act, it will pay the price,” advises Maxime Blanchette-Joncas.

In addition, the MP also reminds Mr. Trudeau that if there are savings to be made, they should certainly not be at the expense of seniors. “Our measure represents an investment of three billion per year, or 0.57% of the federal budget, while his government spent 34 billion on a pipeline and granted 83 billion in tax gifts to the rich oil companies. The Bloc is asking that the government put its priorities in the right place, because October 29 is coming quickly,” points out the MP for Rimouski-Neigette–Témiscouata–Les Basques.

The Bloc motion reads as follows:

“That the House ask the government to take the necessary measures so that a royal recommendation is granted as soon as possible to Bill C-319, An Act to amend the Old Age Security Act (amount of full pension) “.

And on this National Seniors Day, the Bloc Québécois and MP Andréanne Larouche also initiated a rally on Parliament Hill, which brought together hundreds of people and groups of seniors who came to support the Bloc approach. In addition to the increase in the pension, Bill C-319 increases the exemption for employment income in the calculation of the amount of the guaranteed income supplement (GIS) from $5,000 to $6,500.

“We are using all possible levers to make our Bill C-319 a must for the government. Our motion demonstrates how serious and determined we are to stand together for seniors. It’s up to the Trudeau government to take note,” concludes MP Blanchette-Joncas.



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