Wheat prices rise, fears over sowing in Russia

Wheat prices rise, fears over sowing in Russia
Wheat prices rise, fears over sowing in Russia

THE price of soft wheatof thefeed barley a you but on the French physical market increased, between September 23 and 30, in the wake of Euronext and CBOT.

Rise in soft wheat prices

Soft wheat prices on the French physical market increased between September 23 and 30, in the wake of the European futures markets of Euronext in and the American futures markets of CBOT in Chicago, given growing fears. regarding the state of winter wheat sowing in Russia. Analyst SovEcon reports that plantings are late due to water deficit. Only 8.3 million hectares were sown, the lowest since 2013 at this time of year, compared to 9.3 million hectares last year. In , sowing of soft winter wheat began during the week ending September 23, at 1% (compared to 0% in 2023 at the same time), according to Céré’Obs.

Further strengthening of durum wheat prices

Durum wheat prices on the French physical market continued to rise between September 23 and 30. A few cases are reported. In France, sowing of durum wheat began during the week ending September 23, at 1% (compared to 0% in 2023 at the same time), according to Céré’Obs.

Growth in milling barley prices

Feed barley prices on the French physical market increased between September 23 and 30. Port premiums have increased, in the face of a certain return in demand from shippers. In France, sowing of winter barley began during the week ending September 23, at 2% (compared to 0% in 2023 at the same time), according to Céré’Obs.

Rising corn prices

Corn prices on the French physical market gained ground again between September 23 and 30, in the wake of the European Euronext and US CBOT futures markets. Some US sales have been reported by the USDA. International demand, like Algeria, is manifesting itself, for South American origins. The rise in values ​​is tempered by good returns in the United States. In addition, sowing conditions would improve in Brazil. In France, corn growing conditions deteriorated during the week ending September 23, losing one point to 79% (compared to 82% in 2023 at the same time), according to Céré’Obs.

This article was written by specialist journalists from La Dépêche-Le petit Meunier, which has been supporting grain trade operators since 1938.



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