The Galerie La La Lande in welcomes “Monoscape” by Saâd Nazih

The Galerie La La Lande in welcomes “Monoscape” by Saâd Nazih
The Galerie La La Lande in Paris welcomes “Monoscape” by Saâd Nazih
In the works of Saad Nazihthe form gives way to the content, that of his unconscious. The space of the painting then becomes a tremor, a memory, a detail, a chromatic swirl, a mysterious truth, a spiritual fissure, among others. And we can argue that this artist with an original pictorial approach attaches great importance to the rhythmic balance of colors which manifests her dynamism of execution on canvas. “Between the explicit and the enigmatic, his paintings transpose us into a fictional world, on the borders of imagination and prediction.

Inside his dark landscapes, symbolic objects emerge like materialized scraps, resurrecting buried images. Mirror work, “Monoscape” reflects an intimate imagination where thoughts and experiences interfere in scenes with surreal aspects. Over the course of the works, the canvases unload and gradually animate more sober landscapes, embodying a search for balance between form and material, story and painting. Reserving a major place for the void and its evocative power, the contours fall apart and slide towards more abstract forms,” indicates the art critic Hannah Hartz.

This means that Saad Nazih’s work favors both the exterior aspect through its harmony of shapes and colors, and the interior resonance, that of the soul. It relies on its own fertile ground in themes and subjects and calls on the imagination, its precious tool, filled with memories, significant experiences, dreams, ideals, a whole personal symbolism, nourished by his experiences. His works present themselves as complex rebuses, enigmas to be decoded, where the symbolism revolves around the various forms of power: religious, political, military, media and capitalist. They highlight the oppression suffered by individuals and nature, thus questioning the mechanisms of power that govern our society.

“At the center of these compositions, the artist’s uncle, the naked and vulnerable body, is at the heart of these visions and the questions they pose. By embodying the common man, he invites the audience to explore their own vision of the world, their own thoughts, outside the control of reason. To grasp the relationships of domination that bind it, the human mind gets rid of any preconception that could prevent it from seeing its chains, and observes the world at a subliminal level, to awaken and free its consciousness in an unconscious poetic reality. , but enlightening,” explains the curator of this exhibition, Aurélien Simon.

Thus the immense net of his spiritual and poetic artistic expression is manifested. All of this jostles on the canvas in unexpected neighborhoods, arousing surprise and questioning in the viewer.



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