Loïc Kueny takes charge of marketing

Loïc Kueny takes charge of marketing
Loïc Kueny takes charge of marketing

Loïc Kueny is the marketing director of Direct Assurance.

Loïc Kueny changes scope within Direct Assurance. He becomes marketing director. He replaces Emmanuel Werhy who takes over as general manager of Axa Banque.

Loïc Kueny is the new marketing director of Direct Assurance. He succeeds Emmanuel Werhy. The latter inherits the general management of Axa Banque.

Aged 44, Loïc Kueny graduated from the National School of Advanced Techniques (Ensta) in 2003. He started his career far from insurance. He also works as a consultant at Beijaflore. His area of ​​expertise then focuses on mobile telephony. After a brief stint at Inexbee consulting, he joined Vertone. He works there as a marketing manager for major accounts such as Club Med, FDJ and Orange and SFR.

In 2010, he embarked on his entrepreneurial adventure. He co-founded Promoland, a start-up of “ companion shopping “. But a little over a year later, he joined Direct Assurance. For five years, he was responsible for internal consulting. Then IT organization and budget director. In 2018, he left for a year-long world tour, then returned to the Axa France broker. He then became chief product officer, member of the management committee. Since 2021, he has been CIO of the insurance intermediary. In this capacity, he joined the executive committee.

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