The 2024 Europeans seen by the Moselle candidates

The 2024 Europeans seen by the Moselle candidates
The 2024 Europeans seen by the Moselle candidates

In a little less than a month, we will have to vote for the European elections. Several Mosellans are registered on the lists.

The 2024 European elections will be held on June 9, and 720 deputies from the 27 European countries will be elected in this vote. Among them, 81 will be French. The lists have been announced, with 81 candidates for each party or group of parties who will obtain a proportional place as soon as they obtain more than 5% of the votes.

In total, 37 lists were validated for France and Moselle TV spoke with the Moselle candidates from most of the political parties in the running. From the far left to the far right via the center, pirates or environmentalists, discover in 3 questions the commitment of these candidates in an election which still suffers from a lack of interest for many voters.

Charlotte Picard (PS/Place Publique)

Municipal councilor of the opposition in Metz and member of the national office of the PS, Charlotte Picard is 56 on the “Awaken Europe” list of the socialists and Place Publique, behind Raphaël Glucksmann.

Nathalie Colin-Oesterlé (LR/NC)

The only outgoing Moselle European deputy, the municipal councilor LC of Metz, “NCO” is in 8th place in the right-wing list of Republicans and Centrists “The right to make the voice of France heard in Europe”, where is also the Nancy Nadine Morano. The head of the list is François-Xavier Bellamy.

Fatiha Mellah (PCF/FGR)

Cross-border worker, assistant secretary of the Luxembourgish union OGBL, Thionville-Metz section, Fatiha Mellah is in 34th position on the “Left united for the world of work” list behind Léon Deffontaines, bringing together the forces of the radical left: French Communist Party and federation of the republican left.

Gilles Neffati (Ecology at the Center)

Social worker and consultant, Gilles Neffati, candidate for the last Senatorial elections in Marne, is in 9th position on the centrist and Europhile Ecology list at the Center of Jean-Marc Governatori. The list brings together several political ecology parties including Egalité Europe Ecologie, of which Neffati is the spokesperson and correspondent in Moselle.

Jérémie Roques (Ecologists/EELV)

President of the United group in Metz and opposition municipal councilor, Jérémie Roques is 52nd on Marie Toussaint’s Europe Ecology – EELV list. Note that Manon Pellicori, in opposition to Thionville, is also on the environmentalist list.

Caroline Zorn (Pirate Party)

Caroline Zorn will be head of the Pirate Party list for these elections. Municipal councilor of Strasbourg and metropolitan councilor of the Eurometropolis, this native of Moselle will defend a catch-all and ecological libertarian party well established in the Nordic countries but less known in France.

Virginio Cestaro (LFI)

A law student in Metz, originally from Fensch where he is an activist, Virginio Cestaro is in 38th position on the far-left list “La France insoumise – Popular Union” bringing together LFI and other anti-liberal and anti-globalization parties behind Manon Aubry .

Alexandre Folmer (RE/MoDem/Horizons)

Municipal councilor of Jouy-aux-Arches, Alexandre Folmer is 72nd on the list of the presidential majority “Need for Europe”, under the Renaissance label. The group brings together the central parties RE, MoDem, Horizons, Radical Party, but also the UDI parties behind Valérie Hayer.

Frédéric Weber (RN)

Nurse, former FO union delegate at ArcelorMittal Florange, Frédéric Weber returned all his union mandates in 2023 to join the far-right RN list “France is coming back!” » by Jordan Bardella in 43rd place.

Simon Giessinger (UPR)

A nurse and already a candidate on the list in 2019, departmental and then regional delegate, Simon Giessinger is a candidate for 53rd place on the Union Populaire Républicaine list of François Asselineau, of sovereignist orientation, and campaigning in particular for France’s exit from the European Union.



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