“Even in my wildest dreams”: Camille Lacourt has an advantage that not all divorcees have…

By David Contreras | Editor

Addicted to series about vampires and zombies, he knows everything about your favorite stars, with a slight preference for what happens across the Atlantic. Although he has the hot blood of the Spanish, he still maintains his very French humor and never shrinks from a well-intentioned play on words.

Separated from Valérie Bègue since 2016, Camille Lacourt found love again with the beautiful Alice Detollenaere. The mother of her little Marius confided in Gala about her relationship with Miss and the former swimmer is lucky that relations between them are in good shape.

“Even in my wildest dreams”: Camille Lacourt has an advantage that not all divorcees have…

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It’s an ordeal that they went through together and which certainly united them like few couples. In January 2020, Alice Detollenaere, Camille Lacourt’s partner, announced that she had breast cancer. A very delicate moment in life, but she was lucky to be well surrounded and the former swimmer was very present for her to cope with the illness. Today, the one who was Miss Burgundy is godmother of the prevention campaign of Ruban Rose, an association seeking to raise awareness about breast cancer.

In an interview given to Gala this Friday, September 27, Alice Detollenaere was able to highlight this beautiful action, but also discuss more private subjects, such as her understanding with Valérie Bègue, the former wife of her companion and mother of her daughter, Jazz. “Valérie is truly an extraordinary woman who I adore”assures the one who recently denounced a big scam and the problems that resulted from it, before saying more about the beginnings of their relationship: She immediately trusted me with her daughter. I find that very strong and courageous, especially since today I don’t know how I would react if I had to entrust my child to someone else. She had this intelligence that I find incredible.”

Between Valérie and Alice, a “very strong friendship”

Valérie Bègue therefore did everything to ensure that things went well between her and Alice Detollenaere, which the latter appreciated to the greatest extent and visibly, the presence of Jazz (11 years old), who had become a tall teenager with long hair, the brought together. “Through Jazz, we found a very strong friendship”assures Alice Detollenaere to Galabefore saying more about this beautiful relationship: So I didn’t expect to form this blended family even in my wildest dreams. If it could be like that for everyone, that would be great.”

Great news also for Camille Lacourt, certainly very happy to see his ex and his current partner getting along wonderfully. For her part, Valérie Bègue is much more discreet about her romantic situation, but the former Miss has also rebuilt her life since 2020 with George Yates.



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