Trump boasts of his relations with Putin… in front of Zelensky – La Nouvelle Tribune

Trump boasts of his relations with Putin… in front of Zelensky – La Nouvelle Tribune
Trump boasts of his relations with Putin… in front of Zelensky – La Nouvelle Tribune

The conflict in Ukrainewhich has lasted for more than a year, has had a profound impact on international relations and redefined geopolitical alliances. With more than 11,000 dead, this war not only affected the country but also crystallized tensions between the Russia and the West. In this context, Ukraine, under the leadership of President Volodymyr Zelenskyseeks diplomatic and military support, while the UNITED STATES and their allies are trying to find a balance between supporting kyiv and avoiding a direct escalation with Moscow.

An unexpected diplomatic exchange

At a joint press conference with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, Donald Trump surprised by evoking his links with Vladimir Poutine. The former US president said: “ We have excellent relations…and as you know, I also have very good relations with President Putin. » This declaration, delivered in the presence of the leader of a country at war against Russiacreated a special atmosphere.

Trump went on to say that if he returned to power, he would quickly resolve the Ukraine conflict. “I think if we win, we will resolve this very quickly“, he assured. This promise contrasts with the complexity of the situation on the ground and the geopolitical issues at stake. Zelenskyappearing to react to these comments, attempted to redirect the conversation towards U.S.-Ukrainian relations, interrupting Trump to express his hope for improving ties between their two nations.

An unconventional diplomatic approach

The words of Trump reveal an unorthodox diplomatic approach. By positioning himself as an intermediary between kyiv and Moscow, the former American president offers a unique vision of the conflict. His strategy, based on his personal relationships rather than established diplomatic principles, offers a different perspective on the management of international affairs.

Trump notably declared: “ I will speak to one, I will speak to the other, I will bring them together. » This approach to international relations suggests that conflicts could be resolved through direct discussions between leaders. It presents an alternative vision of traditional conflict resolution mechanisms, although some may consider it simplistic in the face of the complexity of the issues at hand.

A distinct position in the face of conflict

The declarations of Trump on the Russia and its leader are a continuation of its previous positions, but take on a particular dimension in the current context. By evoking Russian military capabilities and comparing Putin to historical figures like Napoleon, Trump offers a different reading from that generally adopted by Western leaders.

The attitude of Trump on the outcome of the conflict stands out on the international scene. During a presidential debate, asked who he wanted to see prevail in this conflict, the former president chose not to comment. This position, in a war context, illustrates an unconventional approach to international diplomacy.



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