In low season, Air Algérie ticket prices soar

In low season, Air Algérie ticket prices soar
In low season, Air Algérie ticket prices soar

Airfare prices traditionally fall in the low season, when demand is lower. However, Air Algérie seems to deviate from this rule. Despite a drop in tourist numbers after the summer, the Algerian airline maintains high prices, which arouses the incomprehension of many travelers.

While airlines adjust their prices downward to attract a wider clientele, Air Algérie persists in offering tickets at prices often considered excessive, particularly on flagship routes such as Algiers-. For example, a one-way ticket to this destination can reach 400 euros in low season, a rate that contrasts sharply with offers from other airlines.

Indeed, the gap between Air Algérie and its competitors is significant. On the same routes, other companies such as Air offer much more attractive prices. In October 2024, for example, Air France displays prices of less than 100 euros for Algiers-Paris flights. In addition, this company offers better flexibility in terms of choice of seats and services, making its offers more attractive for Algerian and international travelers.

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Air Algérie competes with Transavia and Volotea

Other European carriers and low-cost companies, such as Volotea and Transavia, have also lowered their prices in low season. These offers are perceived as fairer and adapted to market demand, in order to attract a large number of Algerian passengers who plan to turn to these alternatives.

Experts suggest that Air Algérie should reconsider its pricing strategy to better align with low season periods. In a market as competitive as that linking France to Algeria, maintaining high prices while others lower theirs could lead to a loss of market share. In a sector as competitive as air transport, it is essential to adapt prices according to demand and seasonality to remain attractive.



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