Barnier Government: disabled people finally have a delegate minister – Face Face

Barnier Government: disabled people finally have a delegate minister – Face Face
Barnier Government: disabled people finally have a delegate minister – Face Face

Six days after the announcement by the Élysée of the composition of the Barnier Government, Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq joined the government team. A delegate minister in charge of people with disabilities, appointed following numerous protests from associations over the absence of this portfolio.

Rarely has the lack of appointment aroused as much disapproval as the absence of a minister or secretary of state in charge of disabled people. As soon as the composition of the Barnier Government was known, on September 21, protests flourished on social networks and in the media. Thus from the Disabilities Collective, which tweeted immediately: “We were told about a legacy of the games, it will quickly have been buried. »

Certain associations have also, for their part, directly challenged Michel Barnier. Thus APF handicap questioned, in a letter addressed to Matignon: “What place does disability have in your government, Mr Prime Minister? »

Call for “interministerial mobilization”

As for the National Advisory Council of Persons with Disabilities, it chose irony, and wished for “welcome to the 39 new ministers in charge of disability”. In a press release, the CNCPH recalled its attachment to a “interministerial mobilization” placed under the responsibility of the Prime Minister himself.

This will not be the case for Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq, the new delegate minister responsible for people with disabilities, placed under the authority of Paul Christophe, Minister of Solidarity, autonomy and equality between women and men. men. Renaissance deputy for the sixth constituency of the North, Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq, 47, has chaired the Social Affairs Commission since September 2023.

The files on his desk are already numerous. A few months from the 20e anniversary of the law of February 11, 2005, all associations will be vigilant to promote effective access to people’s rights.

Disability: the hot files on Paul Christophe’s desk



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