October 2 Festival in Conakry: schools at the heart of the celebration

Barry Diawadou Primary School

In less than a week (October 2, 2024), Guinea will celebrate the year 66 of its accession to national sovereignty. As part of this commemoration in Conakry, schools are invited to participate in independence week which starts tomorrow, Saturday, September 28. The “Barry Diawadou” school, located in the town of Dixinn, is at the heart of the preparations.

In an interview given to Guineematin.com this Friday, September 27, 2024, Mrs. Ramatoulaye Sankhon, director of the “Barry Diawadou” school, announced that varied and enriching activities will be organized to mark this national holiday. These include cultural and educational activities such as carnival, poetry, theater, a conference and women’s football matches which will take place on Saturday 28.

Madame Ramatoulaye Sankon, director of the Barry Diawadou School

“We received a circular letter relating to the celebration of Independence Day in school concessions. We have set up teams for the organization through the municipal education directorate of Dixinn. We have chosen the locations, and it is the Barry Diawadou school which will welcome all the Dixinn schools. We identified the activities: carnival, poetry, theater and a conference. For tomorrow, Saturday September 28, we will organize the carnival as well as two women’s football matches. All arrangements have been made, and the DCE is with us. The party will be celebrated at Barry Diawadou, and everything is planned,” she said.

Continuing, Mrs. Sankhon Ramatoulaye believes that this celebration is special. As such, it will be used to raise awareness among students about patriotism. A special tribute will also be paid to a local woman who worked for the education of children.

“By organizing these festivities, we raise awareness among young people about love of the homeland, because love of the homeland is very important, you have to work for your country. This celebration is an opportunity to raise awareness among students so that they understand that Guinea belongs to all of us. You have to love Guinea, and that starts with celebrating this holiday to remember that our country was colonized and is now independent. We have also identified a woman in the locality who has worked hard for the education of children in our country. The choice has been made, but it is a secret; you will find out who it is at the conference on Tuesday,” she said.

Beyond the festivities, the director of the Barry Diawadou School insists on the importance of the role of women in Guinean society. For her, women deserve to be celebrated.

“Women are the barometer of society. If you hear that there is peace in a country, it is thanks to the involvement of women. They are there for any problem, they get up first and go to bed last. The woman has a thousand arms, she spends all day working, both in the home and in the service. This is why it must be celebrated, because it is what ensures the sustainability of humanity on this earth. Many women worked for the independence of Guinea, and many continue to work so that this independence is lasting and visible to all. The message I wish to send to women is to thank all those who get up very early to carry out daily life, the women workers in offices, and particularly the teachers, who work at school, at home, and who do not sleep almost not because they have to prepare the lessons, correct the students’ notebooks and complete the exercises before going to class. I ask them to redouble their efforts to be on the front line, without agreeing to stay behind. Today, Guinean women are waking up, you see it in the services, there are more and more women because they agree to go to school. Parents have understood that girls must be educated, because it is said that an educated woman means an entire nation is educated. I thank all the women of Dixinn, and particularly those of Barry Diawadou,” she said.

Ismael Diallo pour Guineematin.com

Tel: 624 69 33 33



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