Xavier Niel “owes 20 bucks” to Free subscribers who came to the Olympia and reimburses them

The founder of Free performed yesterday at the Olympia and ended with an announcement that was very much in keeping with the Free spirit: a site allows fixed and mobile subscribers who have visited the venue to be reimbursed €20 on their bill.

This Wednesday, September 18, a rather unique show was held at the Olympia: Xavier Niel, on stage, for an hour and a half promoting his next book “A real desire to cause trouble“…in his own way.

Between parodic life stories, sketches, interventions by web actors (Squeezie, Léna Situations, etc.), the promotion was nothing like a serious conference on “how to become a billionaire”. In his desire to show that he was not a boss “like the others”, he read tweets criticizing and insulting him, gave as his first advice to “go to prison”, called Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci losers for not having created startups… The show even ended with a concert by Nadya.

To thank the people who came, Xavier Niel wanted to offer 20 euros and pizzas to those present. After distributing cards in the room, he announced the launch of the site xaviermedoit20balles.com… Which really exists. By connecting to it, Freebox and Free Mobile subscribers can enter their ticket number and that of their Free line and claim a discount of 20€ on their bill. Enough to recall the operation at the launch of Free Mobile where the people present at the press conference found a 2€ coin on their seat. Xavier Niel clearly doesn’t want to do things like everyone else.

Source : Numerama

This article was reprinted on the Univers FreeBox website



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