“We are waiting for the gendarmes”, the police have no other choice but to ensure the security of the administrative detention center in

“We are waiting for the gendarmes”, the police have no other choice but to ensure the security of the administrative detention center in
“We are waiting for the gendarmes”, the police have no other choice but to ensure the security of the administrative detention center in Lyon

While they were assigned to the Olympic Games, the gendarmes guarding administrative detention center 1 at Saint-Exupéry airport have not returned. The police must draw on their Lyon workforce to make up for this shortage.


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It’s a failed return to school for the Lyon police. For several days, unions have been denouncing a constant drop in the number of police officers over several years and the lack of attractiveness of the Lyon police. But since Monday, the situation has not improved because 150 Lyon police officers have to compensate for the absence of gendarmes at the administrative detention center 1 (CRA 1) in Lyon Saint-Exupéry.

Administrative detention centres have 1.5 officers for every detainee, i.e. a refugee who must be expelled from the country.We need to assign as many colleagues as possibleexplains Christophe Pradier, from the UNSA union. There are deportations to be carried out, detainees to be accompanied to the plane or to the judge. It’s not just surveillance.”

This situation was supposed to end on September 15th according to the unions, the gendarmes having been mobilized for the Olympic Games.Initially, the gendarmes were told that they would be mobilized for six months, but it has been going on for a year and a half.“On Monday, the police did not return.”We are forced to strip the crews of Lyon who are already not numerous enough. We tinker to the detriment of our colleagues in Lyon“regrets Christophe Pradier. He estimates that there should be 400 additional police officers in the Lyon police force, which currently has 2,500.

The prefecture confirms that “The CRA is on duty. The national gendarmerie will take over as soon as possible.“, without further details.



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