“I needed to be by my son Marin's side…” Nolwenn Leroy took a break after filming Brocéliande to accompany her son in an important step

“I needed to be by my son Marin's side…” Nolwenn Leroy took a break after filming Brocéliande to accompany her son in an important step
“I needed to be by my son Marin's side…” Nolwenn Leroy took a break after filming Brocéliande to accompany her son in an important step

Since his victory at Star Academy in 2002, Nolwenn Leroy has achieved her status as a star in the galaxy of French song. Today, the singer-songwriter is making her entrance into the world of fiction, playing the lead role in the TF1 event series, Broceliande (our opinion) on the set of which she had a little scare. In the lab coat of a brilliant biologist returning to to elucidate the disappearance of her best friend twenty years earlier, she imposes her legitimacy as an actress thanks to the flame that has always driven her, that of passion.

Broceliande: “At first I was anxious…” Nolwenn Leroy opens up about her first leading role

Télé-Loisirs: Has this desire to act been tickling you for a long time?
Nolwenn Leroy:
What is certain is that this is not an opportunistic approach. For 20 years, I have put so much time and so much commitment into writing my songs and being recognized by my peers that there was no room for another exercise. I had already received offers to act, but I needed to find meaning and take the time to prepare. I am not the kind of girl who commits herself without thinking, but when I do, it is with all my heart! Broceliande came at the right time.

In what frame of mind did you arrive on set?
At first, I was a little anxious because I was afraid of disturbing my partners' game. But they immediately reassured me, which allowed me to let go completely… contrary to my nature.

Did you feel freer being someone else?
Absolutely! Even if I find myself in certain aspects of my character, there is something exhilarating about no longer being yourself. Doubts disappear. You can say anything without worrying about the consequences. I know that this abandonment will serve me as an author. It was almost therapeutic, it unblocked me.

It was very brutal” remembers Nolwenn Leroy about her sudden fame at the Star Academy

Have you gotten used to being the center of attention since you started? Star Academy ?
At first it was very brutal. Star Academy was a crazy accelerator that I paid the price for for many years. In terms of my job, I felt this constant need to prove that I deserved what was happening to me. From now on, I no longer run after this “validation”.

How do you see the rest of your career?
In the last twenty years, I have given a lot. Then the series Broceliande [tournée en 2023, ndlr] arrived and took up a lot of my time and energy. This year, my little boy started CP. I needed to spend time with him. I waited a long time for my little Marin. For his entry into primary school, with reading, poetry, homework, etc., I wanted to be by his side. As a result, I was less present professionally. I miss the public but, fortunately, I am lucky that they are patient and understanding.

Why this need to justify yourself?
Because women are asked to do a lot! Being a great mom, a great wife, a great performer at work… Since my son arrived, nothing can replace the time spent with him. The goal is to not take up space at all costs, without disappearing from the radar, while sharing my time with those I love.

The full interview can be found in the podcast Shadows and Lightsas well as those of Michel Cymes, Olivier Marchal, Audrey Fleurot, Laurent Ournac or Evelyne Dhéliat, among others!



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