Explosion on Rue de Sélys in Liège: “it's not an accident” (photos)

Explosion on Rue de Sélys in Liège: “it's not an accident” (photos)
Explosion on Rue de Sélys in Liège: “it's not an accident” (photos)

As Catherine Collignon, spokesperson for the Liège Public Prosecutor's Office, confirmed to us this Monday afternoon: ““Three different fires were in fact found in the apartment.”. One certainty: ““It's not an accident”All avenues are therefore explored, including suicide or the intervention of a third party.

A man dies

Despite the rapid intervention of the emergency services this Sunday evening, the damage on site is relatively impressive, in particular due to the strong explosion that many local residents have reported. In the blaze, the emergency services found a victim, it is more than likely the resident of the apartment, a man born in 1976. This person was not formally identified this Monday afternoon, “An autopsy is to be performed this Tuesday morning”the Liège public prosecutor's office continued. According to the emergency services, this was the only death. Furthermore, only the residents of the building that was hit were evacuated.

The fact remains that 8 people were quickly admitted to the advanced medical post this Sunday evening and 6 people had to be hospitalized, having been exposed to significant smoke. One person living in the building, aged over 90, resided on the upper floors.In total, 14 people lived in the building.”we are further informed at the City of Liège; these have mainly found a solution of rehousing with relatives.Social services have of course intervened and remain on deck if necessary.”.

In the neighborhood, a perimeter including rue de Sélys and rue Fabry between place Sainte-Véronique and place de Bronckart, was set up. Only residents could enter it. This perimeter was to be lifted at the end of the afternoon this Monday, after cleaning the roadway in particular…

Gasoline volatility

If some people initially believed it was a gas explosion, it was because of the large deflagration. But three fires were indeed found in the apartment, with gasoline.And according to the expert who intervened on the scene, it was the volatility of the gasoline which, by catching fire, would have caused this explosion”At this stage, investigation duties are still in progress, suicide being among the preferred leads; the resident of the premises is in fact said to have suicidal tendencies.

Residents heard a huge explosion. ©Steph pictures
Residents heard a huge explosion. ©Steph pictures
Residents heard a huge explosion. ©Steph pictures
Residents heard a huge explosion. ©Steph pictures
Residents heard a huge explosion. ©Steph pictures
Residents heard a huge explosion. ©Steph Pictures
Residents heard a huge explosion. ©Steph pictures
Residents heard a huge explosion. ©Steph pictures
Residents heard a huge explosion. ©Steph pictures
Residents heard a huge explosion. ©Steph pictures


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