Press release from Mgr Marc Aillet – Death of Father Alexandre Blaudeau

Press release from Mgr Marc Aillet – Death of Father Alexandre Blaudeau
Press release from Mgr Marc Aillet – Death of Father Alexandre Blaudeau

Dear brothers and sisters,

I am deeply saddened to announce the accidental death of Father Alexandre Blaudeau, probably caused by cardiac arrest while he was out running this afternoon.

We pray for the repose of his soul, in thanksgiving for the gift he made of himself in the service of our diocese.

We pray especially for his parents, his family, his brother priests, in particular Paul de Lapasse, Maxime de Mentque and Vianney Arnauld, with whom he was involved in the ministry, Alexandre Méré and Louis le Grelle, originally from the same parish of Blanzay (diocese of ) and Joseph NGuyen his brother by ordination.

We entrust to him the presbytery of our diocese, the faithful who benefited from his ministry, in particular children and young people, and the cause of priestly vocations in which he was very involved.

While awaiting details regarding his funeral, I assure you of my fraternal communion and my prayers.

Requiescat in pace!

+Marc Aillet



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