El Mordjene: why the Algerian spread, star of social networks, was banned from sale in

El Mordjene: why the Algerian spread, star of social networks, was banned from sale in
El Mordjene: why the Algerian spread, star of social networks, was banned from sale in France

the essential
The Algerian spread, El Mordjene, is a must-have this fall. Consumers are snapping it up in , but they are likely to have even more difficulty getting their hands on it: the star product of social networks is no longer authorized in the country.

Hazelnut gold? El Mordjene, the Kinder Bueno-flavored spread produced by the Cebon company in Algeria, has reportedly been banned from import into France, according to the Algerian media outlet TSA. This spread, whose toasted hazelnut flavor has capsized the hearts and taste buds of thousands of French people, is now out of stock in many sales outlets. Its jars are selling like hotcakes and are selling for a fortune.

Also read:
“Customers come just for that”: in , the El Mordjene spread is all the rage

According to TSA Algeria, “containers full of jars of the famous Algerian paste were blocked at the port of in France.” Mustapha Zebdi, the president of the Algerian Association for Consumer Protection (Apoce), confirmed that “the last shipment of El Mordjene paste had not been authorized to be unloaded in Europe.”

Mustapha Zebdi referred to “Article 20, third paragraph, of Regulation No. 2202/2292 of the European Union”. This text governs in particular the rules for the entry of food products containing milk into the European Union and Algeria would not be authorized to bring this type of product onto the European market.

A competitor for Nutella?

The explanation seems a little light for Mustapha Zebdi for whom the real reason for the end of imports would be linked to the success of El Mordjene which would represent a serious competitor for European brands such as Nutella. “The product entered and traveled… And when it became a danger for their beloved product, they did all the tests and released all the standards”, justified President Apoce in particular.



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