Activists block MICARNA SA production line in Courtepin

Activists block MICARNA SA production line in Courtepin
Activists block MICARNA SA production line in Courtepin

Monday 1is July 2024, around 04:30, the Cantonal Police Engagement and Alarm Center was informed that unknown persons had entered the premises of the company MICARNA SA in Courtepin without authorization. Dispatched to the scene, several patrols noted the presence of several dozen animal rights activists. They had taken possession of the premises and blocked a production line, in particular by chaining themselves to various infrastructures. Some were also on the roof of the building.

In coordination with the management of MICARNA SA and on behalf of the Prefect of the Lake District, the cantonal police carried out operations to evacuate the premises, after an initial phase of negotiations that was unsuccessful. The demonstrators were arrested and taken to the police premises for judicial follow-up. The intervention of the Murten and Bern firefighters was necessary in order to dislodge the demonstrators from the roof using ladder trucks.

The activists strongly resisted their arrest, which required the use of force. Five ambulances from the SAS and Morat were deployed as support. Several people were checked by the paramedics. Two of them, namely a woman who felt unwell and a man, injured in the elbow, were taken care of and taken to hospital.

A little over 70 people, aged between 18 and over 60, European nationals, the vast majority French and Italian and domiciled abroad, were arrested, identified and placed under provisional arrest. A perimeter ban measure was notified to them by the Population and Migrants Service (SPoMi).

A criminal complaint for damage to property, trespassing and coercion was filed by MICARNA SA. Through their actions, the activists kept animals alive in conditions that clearly caused them unnecessary suffering over time. In this regard, the SAAV intervened upon requisition in order to take charge of these animals and proceed with their killing, in accordance with Swiss law.

The production line concerned will be subject to checks by MICARNA SA and validation by the SAAV for a resumption of activity. This should be possible by tomorrow morning. The potential damage from this blocking action could amount to several hundred thousand francs.

Nearly 200 workers from all departments were mobilized for this intervention.

After complying with the police measures, the alleged perpetrators were released. They will be reported according to the facts established to the Public Prosecutor’s Office.



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