Anti-speciesists who blocked a Micarna slaughterhouse evacuated by police –

Anti-speciesists who blocked a Micarna slaughterhouse evacuated by police –
Anti-speciesists who blocked a Micarna slaughterhouse evacuated by police –

Fribourg police announced on Monday evening that they had dislodged around seventy anti-speciesist activists who had been occupying the Micarna poultry slaughterhouse in Courtepin (FR) since early in the morning. A criminal complaint has been filed.

Activists, some wearing balaclavas, had taken up position on the roof of the slaughterhouse and others were chained to machines inside the building. Activists from the 269 Libération Animale collective accuse Migros, of which Micarna is a subsidiary, of encouraging “a deadly system in which animals are seen as commodities.”

Following a criminal complaint filed by Migros, the police – present on the scene since the morning – were ordered to evacuate the site early in the afternoon. Shortly after 6 p.m., around seventy demonstrators, aged between 18 and over 60, were evacuated. The vast majority of them are of French or Italian origin and are domiciled abroad, the Fribourg police specified in the evening.

The police arrested the activists after a phase of negotiations that did not succeed, the police said. Its spokesperson had described during the day a frozen situation with activists who refuse dialogue.

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Two injured

According to the police, the activists strongly resisted their arrest, which required the use of force. Two people, a woman who fainted and a man who was injured in the elbow, were taken to hospital.

After complying with the police measures, the alleged perpetrators were released. They will be reported to the Public Prosecutor’s Office. On the authorities’ side, nearly 200 officers from all departments were mobilized.

Production hampered but not interrupted

Asked about the impact of this action on the poultry slaughterhouse, Fribourg police spokesman Bertrand Ruffieux estimated during the day that production on the site had not been paralyzed but had suffered constraints. He also noted that malfunctions had been observed in the occupied sector of the plant.

The police specified in the evening that the production line concerned will be subject to checks by Micarna and validation by the Food Safety and Veterinary Affairs Service (SAAV). The resumption of activity should be possible by Tuesday. The potential damage from this blocking action could amount to several hundred thousand francs.

The criminal complaint was filed by Micarna for damage to property, trespassing and coercion. Through their actions, the activists kept animals alive in conditions that caused them unnecessary suffering over time, according to the police. The SAAV intervened to take charge of these animals and proceed to kill them, in accordance with the law.

35 million chickens per year

In a press release, the movement points out that the Courtepin slaughterhouse slaughters nearly 35 million chickens per year. It accuses Migros, “the largest advertising investor” in the country, of having “a particularly significant influence on consumption.”

For 269 Libération animale, Migros “has shown on many occasions that its profits are worth more than animal lives and the respect of employees. Its model of intensive breeding and production pollutes and degrades the environment, opposing the perspective of a society that produces its food in an ecological and sustainable manner.”

>> Also listen to the details from 12:30:

Micarna poultry slaughterhouse in Courtepin (FR) blocked by anti-speciesists / 12:30 / 1 min. / yesterday at 12:36




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