Brigitte Macron – daughters worry about the 71-year-old

Paris. France’s First Lady Brigitte Macron has a mind of her own. An announced series about the 71-year-old’s life is causing concern.

  • Brigitte Macron is the woman at President Emmanuel Macron’s side
  • The age of France’s First Lady is always a topic
  • An announced mini-series about the life of the 71-year-old is now also causing concern

“A wonderful woman, very, very likeable”: this is how Lavinia Valbonesi, the First Lady of Ecuador, describes her French counterpart Brigitte Macron after an official visit to the Élysée Palace in Paris in May. “We have a lot in common,” enthuses the Ecuadorian entrepreneur on her Instagram account with over 800,000 followers.

Although the two “First Ladies” are separated by almost half a century – Valbonesi was born in 1998, Brigitte Macron in 1953 – the latter also knows perfectly how to deal with the media to attract the spotlight and support her husband in terms of popularity. Emmanuel Macron’s popularity ratings have dropped significantly after seven years in power and numerous political crises. Nothing compared to the enthusiasm that accompanied his election in 2017.

Also read: Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron – An unusual couple

Brigitte Macron, who is being watched by the tabloid press from all over the world, for example, attaches great importance to a conscious style of clothing that Casual Chic to major French brands such as Louis Vuitton. Like her husband, she also stresses in the magazine “S par Sophie Davant” that she does “30 minutes of sport a day”.

Brigitte Macron is said to be a big fan of “Emily in Paris”

Over the years, the French have become accustomed to First Lady – and also to “this not quite normal couple”, as Emmanuel Macron once put it himself. The two spouses are separated by an impressive 24 years. But the French have already experienced a lot in the Elysée Palace. And in this respect, the current presidential couple presents a calmer picture than their predecessors François Hollande or Nicolas Sarkozy with their wives.

Because they fear that this hard-earned image could be damaged, the family and especially Brigitte Macron’s daughters are looking with concern at an announced Mini-Series about the life of the 71-year-old. Her name is to be “Brigitte, une femme libre”, a free woman. What exactly that means is still unclear. If there is one TV series that Brigitte Macron can warm to, it is “Emily in Paris”. The First Lady seems to be a fan of the Netflix series, and according to the English newspaper “Daily Mail”, she will even have a guest appearance in the upcoming season.

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Macron is committed to hospitals, the disabled and education

Brigitte Macron is very present at her husband’s side, but also pursues her own projects. In the tradition of Bernadette Chirac, wife of former French President Jacques Chirac (between 1995 and 2007), the current First Lady has been President of the Foundation of the French HospitalsTogether with the coach of the French national football team, Didier Deschamps, she is collecting money for patients and nursing staff as part of the “Operation Pièces Jaunes” (Yellow Coins).

Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Macron are 24 years apart in age.
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While her husband is – as so often – busy with a new political emergency in New Caledonia, she attends important ceremonies alone: ​​such as the recent funeral of Jean-Claude Gaudin, the former mayor of Marseille, or the literary moderator Bernard Pivot. The former teacher is very committed to her Charity work and for issues that are close to her heart – such as people with disabilities and education.

Capital Inside by Jörg Quoos, Editor-in-Chief of the FUNKE Central Editorial Office

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She does not interfere with her husband’s political line. Nevertheless, some of her media appearances have sparked debates – for example, when she advocated the introduction of School uniforms She once told the French radio station RTL that she had “neither the competence nor a penchant for politics.” “I’ll tell him my opinion,” said Brigitte Macron, but “manipulate him? Never!”



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